Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Early Edition: The Second Season

A Cool Show Returns !
Early Edition was one of the most interesting and entertaining hours on television during its run and after picking up season one, it's nice to see the second season of this fabulous show coming out. The characters were likable, and all too human at times, making them even more likable. Kyle Chandler proved the perfect choice as a regular guy with foibles who at first tries to cash in like any of us would on his good fortune, then realizes the great responsibility which has been laid at his door, quite literally.

Gary Hobson (Kyle Chandler) has been kicked out by his wife and forced to find a hotel. A yellow cat accompanies a newspaper which Gary eventually discovers is quite special. It is tomorrow's news today, and day after day it is delivered to Gary's door. He reacts as most of us would at first but his good nature finally takes over and he realizes there is a reason he's been chosen to receive the paper.

What followed each week was fabulous. One week it was...

Thanks for Season 2 - just two more to go
This season is arguably better than Season One in the sense that the characters have been established and the writers were able to focus more on the episodes without having to worry about backgrounds, the "how" and "why" of the paper, etc. But as many after me will probably say, all four seasons were excellent and we're looking forward to the last two seasons being released in the coming year or so.

hoping for seasons 3 and 4
Glad CBS FINALLY decided to produce these. Now just waiting for seasons 3 and 4. A GREAT show about doing the right thing.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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