Thursday, October 3, 2013

Road Trip: Beer Pong (Unrated Edition)

Supplements are better than the movie...
No real surprises here, but I made sure to have no expectations as only two people came over from the first Road Trip (DJ Qualls and the tour mom). Story follows our college youth who compete in a nationals beer pong tournament and the troubles they go through in getting there. Along the way we get treated to some boring subplots, plenty of beautiful breasts, and lots of beer pong. I dig these kind of movies and they can rent/sell very well when it revolves around beer, but this was just below average in entertainment value.

The picture and sound were fine, but the supplements were funnier and more entertaining than the movie. Including:
* On The Road to Victory/Making Of - 25 minute featurette containing the cast/crew interviews; which had some funny insights like how stoked the writer was that he got the sequel director on board (this crew has made the Bring It On follow-ups, the American Pie and Slap Shot sequels) and how the director had cast the tour mom in this...

Poor plot and the usual fare of stupid college kids doing all the wrong things and coming up with utter nonsense.

Better than the original
This is what it is: a college movie that is made for laughs. It is not an Academy Award winning movie with great acting or great actors but it is great for its genre.
As someone who liked the original Road Trip, I preferred this movie.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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