Monday, October 7, 2013

John Heffron: Middle Class Funny

Very funny!
I had the pleasure of knowing and working with John back in 1989 at the Main Street Comedy Showcase in Ann Arbor, MI when he was just starting out. At the time, I was one of the door hosts and a regular on the open mic nights where I got to see John perform over and over and over. I had his material memorized and wish he'd bring some of it out on future shows (i.e. his mom buying a butter churn at a yard sale, his bit about the barber "nicking" your ear and the blanket around your neck so tight to cut off the bleeding, para-sailing and hitting bridges, etc.)

Anyhow, back in '89 I remember thinking to myself, "This guy is good...he's going to make it big in the comedy circuit." He was still in college and was funnier and more comfortable on stage than the headliners he was opening for. I'm glad to see he's making it. His style of comedy is so down to earth and it's something we all can relate to. The material is constantly updated and a reflection of where he is in his...

Funniest Ever!
We have shown this DVD to all of our friends, and EVERYONE laughed themselves silly. Very clean, and very FUNNY!!!

John Heffron is laid back, and that makes him even funnier, becuase you don't know what's coming next! This is the good stuff!

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