Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern: Collection Three

This show keeps getting better
Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods is really fun to watch,because he is so funny. His shows are educational, even if they can be rather disgusting at times.

Mr. Zimmern does something that no one else does, that I know of. He actually describes the food that he is eating. He tells viewers the taste, texture, and sometimes the smell of the food. He will even compare the more unusual foods to something more familiar to audiences in the United States.

Here is a listing of the shows in this collection:
Goa, India
Paris, France
Sicily, Italy
Los Angeles, California

The only disappointing thing about this set is that the DVDs do not have any subtitles.

If it looks good, watch it
Andrew Zimmern has a great outlook on life and is a brave man. He eats some nasty things, savors every bite, and describes the taste as if it were gourmet food. We watched this entire DVD in 2 days because it was just flat out fascinating.

Missing segments
I received my DVD in record timing but I was a little put off by the segments missing in collection Three. I was looking forward to seeing Andrew in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Japan. Also missing is the Halloween special and the Holiday special. I can only give this DVD one star.

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