Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pushing Daisies: The Complete First and Second Seasons

Easily one of the greatest series in the history of television
There is no more tragic early cancellation in the history of television than ABC's ill-advised and ultimately baffling ending of PUSHING DAISIES. One of the finest shows in the history of television, DAISIES in its first, strike interrupted season garnered critical acclaim and honors to match any show on television. It was named one of the American Film Institute's Ten Best Shows of 2007. It received more Emmy nominations than any series on television. It made every critic's Top Ten or Top Five list in 2007. Then it came back for the beginning of the 2008-2009 season and turned out to be even better than in its debut season. But like most of the shows that did not go back into production following the writers strike of 2007-2008, it failed to gain back its audience. With the Wall Street crisis and the general economic malaise ABC panicked and did something that with hindsight it will certainly regret: cancelled not just its best show, but arguably the best show ABC had ever...

The Best Show Ever Made!!!!!!!!!
Pushing Daisies was my favorite show of all time. I am still shocked and exceedingly mad that they cancelled such an amazing show. This show had it all comedy, mystery, drama, and romance. As the previous review stated it is a huge mistake made by ABC. Every week I got soo excited when this came on and would tell everyone to leave me alone until it was over. I found the witty banter very entertaining. Also, Ned and Chuck's love story was so sweet. I'm getting this to show my mom just how wonderful this show is since she missed it on tv.

Just Beautiful!
This was my *feel good* show. I could be in the worst mood or have had the most horrible day, but the moment I heard Jim Dale's narration start, I felt better.
Ned and Chuck had the most beautiful, innocent love. I melted when they looked into each others eyes.
Chi Mcbride was just wonderful as Emerson Cod.
I still cannot believe that this show was canceled.
Luckily I was able to purchase the first two seasons here ~ but I want MORE!!!

Click to Editorial Reviews

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