Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Eureka: Season 3.0

"Whatever happens, it's been fun." "No it hasn't! Push the button!"
There's some not-so-pleasant changes in store for the little town of Eureka.

"Eureka Season 3.0" (meaning the first half of the third season a la "Battlestar Galactica") provides plenty of those, which adds some new tension to geniustown (including some rather shocking cast changes and a new "love-to-hate" person). It's kind of disconcerting to only have eight episodes, but they have the signature mixture of warm comedy and intriguing sci-fi mystery.

Among the changes in store: Alison (Salli Richardson-Whitfield) and Nathan (Ed Quinn) contemplate remarriage, and Henry is in jail. And the DOD sends in a corporate "fixer" named Eva Thorne (Frances Fisher) arrives to cut the deadwood from Global Dynamics. But then an anti-missile VIPER drone goes AWOL during a flight test and starts threatening Eureka, while Thorne decides to embed herself in Global Dynamics as one of the new bosses.

And while Eva ruthlessly makes GD "profitable," the usual sci-fi...

Terrific Mini-Season
Due to the writers' strike two years ago, all scripted shows were unfortunately shortened, resulting in seasons where it was months between new episodes. For some shows, the wait was too long and some were eventually cancelled due to poor ratings.

Luckily, for fans of Eureka, the creators simply split the season into two parts; an eight episode arc, which aired last July, and the second one, which premieres this July. The result is a longer season spread over two years, much like Battlestar Galactica. Some may call the upcoming episodes Season Four, but it's technically the second half of Season 3.

In any event, the first half of Season 3 is now out on DVD, just in time for the premiere of the remaining season. And while short on episodes, the show was at the top of it's game this season. I don't know about you, but to me this show is like comfort food. I love the characters and I love the world they inhabit. A perfect cast led by Colin Ferguson get the most out...

Not Paying Twice as Much!
I absolutely agree with the comments I've seen that the burgeoning trend in issuing "versions" of these shows is insulting. I enjoy the show and have purchased seasons 1 and 2. I was looking forward to purchasing season 3 as well, but will absolutely not purchase in two installments, paying twice as much. If I can get season 3 as one package for a similar price as 1 and 2, I'm in. Until then, I can catch reruns!!! Hopefully enough people will agree and hold off - maybe the distributors will get the message!

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