Thursday, October 10, 2013

WWE: Extreme Rules 2009

WWE Extreme Rules 2009
This was a very newsworthy show from WWE as there had been 5 title changes during the night. I did not, however, think this was a great show. I did like it, but only mildly, because the two matches I was looking foreward too (the IC title match and the Ladder match) were both very good. I did not think it was nearly as good or as well-rounded as Backlash and Judgment Day, but it held its own. Personally, I would not purchase this on dvd, but it is worth a rental. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).

1. United States Title Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal

Fast paced match to start, but it was rather short and felt rushed. There were botched spots aplenty in this one, but they pulled out some nice moves as well. Overall this was fine and the guys worked hard, and the match did it's job by getting the crowd pumped up. **

2. No Holds Barred Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chris...

A "PG" One Night Stand
United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. M.V.P. vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal - This was your average match that was fast paced & did it's job as an opener with a few botched "crash & burn" spots but nothing special past that.

No Holds Barred Match: Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho - One of the best feuds of the year (if not THE BEST just based on the matches alone) continue here as they stuck the formula that was worked with great wrestling that had the fans get more into it and added the No Holds Barred element well here but didn't overdo it using a mass amount of weapons as only a chair was used. The crowd got more into it as time passed & had a very creative finish that also makes sure this feud will continue...and that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing! (thanks DDP) Match of the night for me.

Strap Match: C.M. Punk vs. Umaga - This is one of those one of those matches where the gimmick hurt the match more than helped and the...

WWE Extreme Rules 2009
Fatal 4 Way United States Title Match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal 3/5

No Holds Barred Intercontinental Title Match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chris Jericho 4/5

Samoan Strap Match:
Mr. Money In The Bank C.M. Punk vs. Umaga 3/5 (Side note this is Umagas last match before he passed away weeks later.)

ECW Championship Hardcore Triple Threat Match:
Christian (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger 3/5

Hog Pen Match:
"Santina" Marella vs. Vickie Guerrero (w/ Chavo Guerrero) DUD!!!!!

WWE Championship Steel Cage Match:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista 2/5

Submission Match:
John Cena vs. The Big Show 2/5

World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match:
Edge (c) vs. Jeff Hardy 4/5(C.M. Punk cash in his MITB briefcase and won the title in lest than a minute.)

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