Sunday, October 6, 2013

Auto-B-Good: Fuel for the Finish

Grandson loves this.
As I have already stated in previous reviews, I love this cartoon series and so does my 5 year old grandson. They teach family and community values that I feel are an essential part of a good life here on earth. If everyone practiced the value and concepts taught in these cartoons, it would be a much better world.

4 year old son loves them!
My son is 4 and loves these DVDs. I like the fact that they are about cars which almost all four year old boys are into and that they also teach on godly moral character traits! We are big fans!

Auto B Good DVD
The Auto B Good series of DVD's are really entertaining and character building. They are fun to watch from 5- 105 or beyond. Good stories plus they help everyone no matter what your age to learn for the first time or remember how to have good relations with others. Kindness, forgiveness etc are covered in a way that makes you want to do the right thing.

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