Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hypnosis - Stress Relief

This DVD has CHANGED MY LIFE for the better! It is EXCELLENT! I got it from the local library right after a relationship breakup with a long-term partner that was extremely devastating for me. I renewed this DVD from the library three times and played THE SESSION track at least a hundred times. It helped me tremendously. A few months after this I had major surgery and it is helping me recover both emotionally and physically. Since I started listening to this DVD I lost 32 pounds and felt more alive, positive and hopeful after listening to it...
I struggle daily with dysthymia (low grade depression,) CFIDS and fibromyalgia. Listening to this DVD has really shifted my mood to a more positive frame of mind. A close friend who is a trained therapist noticed the improvement in my mood after listening to Stress Relief.

Susan's message is positive, encouraging and calming...She should make a CD out of the "Session" track. She repeats this session in the DVD..once with a...

Hypnosis Stess Relief
CD and the replacement CD were both defective - no sound. Tried them on 3 different CD players and not one sound.

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