Friday, October 11, 2013

Bewitched : The Complete Eighth Season

"The End of Bewitched"
"Bewitched" aired its final season in 1971-1972. The show was suppose to air for one more season but Elizabeth Montgomery wanted off the show for various reasons; she felt it was time to move on to more gratifying projects, but the big reason was her and William Asher, who produced the series, were splitting up. Elizabeth had moved in with Richard Michaels, one of the show's directors. Asher would go on to produce two more series for ABC in the following season, both of which failed, and Liz would go on to TV movies, the most famous being "A Case of Rape" for NBC, where she played a victim who is raped twice by her attacker. The film still holds the record as being one of the highest rated TV movies ever.
The final year of "Bewitched" was a sad one: scripts were repetitive, and the writers ran out of ideas, so they rewrote scripts from the first two seasons. The actors, most notably Liz, were running through their scenes. In the last several episodes you can tell that Elizabeth...

Europe here we come!!
Hey Bewitched Fans get ready for the Eighth and Final Season of Bewitched coming out this July. This may be the last season of Bewitched, but you sure do not want to miss this extra ordinary last season. This season has 26 more magical episodes including the 7 story arch of Darrin and Sam in Europe, Tabitha entering the second grade and other adventures involving the Stephens family. The season kicks off when Darrin and Samantha arrive in London, England and Sam is sent back to the 16th century for setting free a warlock who was imprisoned in a painting. While there, Darrin and Endora must rescue Samantha before she gets beheaded by King Henry VIII. Also they travel to Italy, France and Scotland. Sam learns that the legendary Loch Ness Monster is none other than a warlock named Bruce who ages ago transformed the monster into the creature for bothering Serena. Next stop is Italy, where we learn Esmeralda was the one who made the Tower of Pisa lean and then we must do as the...

Season 8 Completes Bewitched!
The fall of 1971 began the 8th and final season for "Bewitched". This last season begins with Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) and husband Darrin Stephens (Dick Sargent) going to Europe on a business trip for McMann and Tate, Darrin's advertising job. There is lots of wonderful and witchy trouble waiting for Sam and Darrin in England, Scotland, Italy and France. This 8th season also features Esmerelda zapping up George Washington for a school project she is helping Tabitha (Sam and Darrin's daughter) with. Tabitha starts school and gets into trouble with her natural witchcraft abilities with her Hansel and Gretel book and also by zapping herself into a children's television show. With her grandmother Endora's help- Tabitha becomes a champion skating star and a genius on a school intelligence test. Sam also has her moments in this last season, when her face becomes striped after having a Heavenly Himalaya Drink at a Chinese restaurant.

"Bewitched" was originally based on the...

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