Monday, October 7, 2013

Pride of the Marines

Local Hero
The opening narration by Al Schmid(John Garfield) would elicit a chuckle from anyone from Philadelphia. He talks about how he used to visit the historic monuments afterschool as a child. Anybody knowing the geography of the city and where Schmid resided knows that required him to take the 56 trolley car and transfer to the elevated train to get to these landmarks. Schmid resided in my neighborhood in the Tacony section of the city. The movie was filmed partially on location there and from the distance I could see the parochial school that I attended as a child. Hometown pride would allow for a certain degree of bias in reviewing this film. That's why I'm grateful that "Pride of the Marines" is such a resounding success. The film begins with Schmid living comfortably as a regular Joe carrying his lunchpail to the steel mill and looking forward to seeing his girl, Ruth(Eleanor Parker), and his occasional hunting jaunts. Duty calls as he's reading the Sunday funnies on December...

Life in the 40s
This movie is so much fun. In the first half its all about the man, a civilian going through everyday like as an average Joe, a Joe who is a great guy, a typical fun loving guy from the fun lovin 40s. The little things, the almost nuance lines are so classic 40s you just have to love it, if you love a look back in time. Nowhere can you get this kind of day to day situation of life in the 40s, in no other movie I've ever seen! This movie is one of my all time favorites. I was highly responsible for promoting it to be offered on DVD, and "I'm Mighty Proud" to own it. I quote Al Schmidt from the movie. He was awarded The Navy Cross, for his actions in repelling a major Japanese offensive, and lost his sight in the process. Ho goes through some Hell dealing with whats happened to him, who wouldn't? But the awesome and realistic acting is so superb, like when his fiance is talking to him back at home and he realizes how right she is by the mere power of her honest and heart...

It's been said that this was John Garfield 's favorite movie.
He plays Al Schmid the "Pride" in Pride of the Marines. He's "Joe Sixpack " in 1941. He's a steelworker, from Philly, full of himself, a bit obnoxious but everybody loves him. He's got two families, his best friend, his best friend's wife & daughter & his girlfriend, Ruth. His second family is his buddies in the Marines, which he joins shortly after the war begins. He returns from Guadalcanal, the first American land victory in the Pacific, blind. Recovery back in San Diego presents him with new challenges. He is not going to recover his sight. So begins his emotional roller-coaster. Will Ruth still want him? Does he still love her? Should he dump her rather than be a burden? Lots of self pity. But he has a great support system, other injured Marines at the hospital, a compassionate Red Cross worker, his friends at home & of course, Ruth. She never wavers in her love for him. He is to be awarded the Navy Cross for heroism & has to return to Philly eventually to get it & start his...

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