Friday, October 4, 2013

The Haunting in Connecticut (Single-Disc Edition)

Worth it for the extra features
The film that is based on the true story of the haunting of a funeral home converted to a residence suffers from a lack of imagination and emphasis on visual effects, but then I could say that about most modern films. I found the Discovery Channel documentary on the haunting,A Haunting in Connecticut, to be much more interesting, and cheaper.

However, you can't beat this double disc editon for extra features, and interesting ones too. There is the featurette "Two Dead Boys: The Making of The Haunting in Connecticut" which talks with the cast and crew about the making of the film and the haunted hotel that they stayed in during filming. It runs about fifteen minutes.

"The Fear is Real: Reinvestigating the Haunting (41:03), gets away from the movie-making end of things and goes to the actual case that inspired all of this. Carmen Snedeker-Reed and two of her sons discuss the haunting. Also...

Definitely above average
A decent horror plot combined with scares that try to get under your skin and stay there manage to make the Haunting in Connecticut one of the few buy-worthy horrors I've reviewed. Matt Campbell, a cancer patient, is struggling to cope with the constant rides to and from the hospital where he is receiving an experimental treatment. After seeing him suffer following a prolonged treatment, his mother buys a former funeral home for them to stay in during his hospital visits. What follows is a progressively aggressive assault from spirits within the home.

The storyline is another of those "based on a true story" pieces of nonsense, which really needs to stop unless they're honestly worried about being sued. While the plot overall is nothing new, it manages to throw in enough good renditions of overdone plot points to give it a feel of being new. A few points of humor, a few character sidebars that are just a hair short of being filler, and a few extremely well done...

The Original Story is Better
This movie is based on a true story, and I've seen the original story on "A Haunting." I was hoping that the movie version would give me a creepier version of the original story, but all I got was bad acting, a lackluster storyline, and terrible effects. It seemed as though the director had an excellent idea in his head, but couldn't quite project it correctly. They tried way too hard to make the story "better." As a result, the story came off as cheesy and over the top. If you want to get a better and more accurate version of the story, check out the "A Haunting" version.

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