Thursday, October 10, 2013

Parker Lewis Can't Lose: The Complete First Season

Probably the best show never released on dvd...IS BEING RELEASED ON DVD!!!
I have fond memories of watching Parker Lewis Can't Lose with my family on Sunday evenings on Fox back in 1990 when it first aired, and we all enjoyed it. Where I lived in San Francisco it was on at 7:30 right before The Simpsons and lasted for three seasons.

It may be nearly 20 years after the fact, but even now it holds up as a high-quality show of uncommon intelligence and humor, and is notable for being one of the Fox Network's early hits. Besides inventive storylines and a light, humorous touch, Parker and his buds are memorable characters, and the casting is pitch-perfect. The editing and camera movements are creative, enhancing the whimsical and quirky nature of the show.

And I, for one, appreciate the fact that this show is somewhat of a time capsule of early-90s clothing and styles. I was in high school when this show was on, and it reminds me of those days more than a little bit.

The 26 Season One episodes are hands-down the best in my...

Great show horrible transfer quality
It is a good show, if you are looking at this you already know what its about. The only problem and it is a BIG problem is the quality of transfer to DVD. It stinks, I had old copies of the show I had made on VHS while it was on TV and the quality of those after all these years of fading is about the same or better than the DVD quality. When I first tried to watch it I thought my DVD player or TV was messed up, it was that bad. The worst part of the movie are the times when they froze the image and continue on with the talking or audio, at those points you really see how bad the transfer was... frankly I would suggest passing on this one because of quality of the transfer alone. Go look for a VHS copy of it and you'll find better quality than the DVD. VERY VERY disappointed.

At long last!!!
At long last, Parker Lewis is finally coming to DVD! This truly is one of the best shows ever broadcast on TV and it's one of the mysteries (and injustices) of the universe that Screech from Saved by the Bell gets a DVD release but quality like Parker Lewis (and Midnight Caller) have to endure fan petitions to get a well-deserved DVD release. Now let's keep the pressure on for seasons 2 and 3 to be on DVD!

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