Saturday, October 12, 2013

Souls for Sale

Forgotten Movie-Jewel
This movie was forgotten and lost and discovered at again. Like the other Warner Archive DVD's its in good condition.

It's very enjoyable and movie-historical -interesting (for today) in any points:

This film offers behind-the-scenes footage of two legendary silent era director/performers at work: Charles Chaplin directing his comedy-drama _Woman of Paris, A (1923)_ and Erich von Stroheim directing Greed (1924)

A large number of the credited (in AFI and elsewhere) "celebrities" do not appear in the surviving version shown on Turner Classic Movies. They include: Hugo Ballin, Mabel Ballin, Robert Edeson, Claude Gillingwater, Dagmar Godowsky, Elaine Hammerstein, Alice Lake, Bessie Love, Patsy Ruth Miller, Anna Q. Nilsson, Milton Sills, Anita Stewart, Blanche Sweet, Florence Vidor, King Vidor, Johnny Walker and George Walsh

Many Hollywood "behind the scenes" actions are shown, including Marshall Neilan directing "The Eternal Three"; and Fred...

Inside old Hollywood
"Souls for Sale(1923)" was a lost, forgotten film for a long time. It's quite a juvenile story of a young woman lost in Hollywood with a creep husband(Eleanor Boardman and Lew Cody). But this is well worth seeing for anyone interested in old Hollywood history. Included are scenes of Erich von Stroheim filming "Greed" at MGM studios(a year before it became MGM), and Charile Chaplin filming "A Woman of Paris". This movie flopped because it had no scenes with Charlie Chaplin. You also see snippits of directors Fred Niblo and Marshall Neilan. "Souls for Sale" co-stars the very lovely Barbara LaMarr, the first big star to die from drug-related problems. Married several times, and an all-night party-girl, LaMarr's career soared based on her vampish beauty. She retired to Europe. In poor health, she died in 1926, after completing 30 films. She was 29 years old.

Souls for Sale
The title suggests a Hollywood exposé, but it's really a charming valentine, following Remember "Mem" Steddon's arc from runaway bride to Big Star. Great mix of melodrama & comedy doesn't take itself too seriously; the intertitles are often hilariously snide. Peppered w/ wonderful scenes of real directors directing real movies like GREED & A WOMAN OF PARIS. Director Rupert is Howard's uncle. 8/10

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