Thursday, October 10, 2013

Reno 911!: The Complete Sixth Season

lame replacements
I miss Garcia, Clementine and Kimball. The two new deputies, Declan and Rizzo, are basically just blonde and brunette versions of the same character. Except for the first episode, which got into some very funny background history concerning Trudie and crazy Mike, the entire season felt forced.

Not As Funny As the Earlier Seasons
Although "RENO 911" season 6 provides some good laughs, it's nowhere near as funny or original as Seasons 1 thru 5. I was dissapointed that Deputies Garcia, Johnson, & Kimball were deleted from the cast, and replaced with Rizzo & Declan. The new deputies aren't as funny as the former ones. Garcia & Johnson, I always thought were very funny cast members, & Kimball was hardly given a chance to prove her comic chops, and pretty much denied a story line. Season 6 relies more on "cheap" laughs, & jokes. I have no idea how this aired on Comedy Central, as I never saw any of this season on TV. I don't know how it could have been on, or how you could follow the stories, as the DVD's are "uncensored". Hard to imagine that most of the dialogue was "bleeped" out, and scenes were cut from the program.
I know that seasons 2-5 were highly censored, but the show could be followed easily. I can't say that I really care for the new deputies, I don't think they are that funny, Garcia, Johnson, &...

Plum Smuggler Spectacular
I would say that the show superceded my expectations that i had for this season when i found out Garcia, Clemmy, and Kimball weren't going to be on the show. I never had that many compliments about Kimball anyways. She was probably there to even out the F/M ratio. Sgt Declan and Frank Rizzo (not from Jerky Boys) were good replacements. I'm pretty sure that they both were on the show as appearances. Rizzo for sure, Declan not so sure. If he did than he definitely fits the epitome of a cop, embolisms and all, now that he's got some weight on em. Props for keeping Terry because without whom i wouldn't watch as religiously. Big Mike as well, who is revealed to be an ex Reno Sgt back in the 80's when Dangle actually wore some pant legs. Was a little disappointed that cheap Carl didn't make any episodes (the hamburger in the toaster really does say happy birthday!) and they should of had a little more Andrew. Overall the season rocked and am glad to see that it will probably be on for more...

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