Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mahoromatic: Full Metal Maid Complete Collection

A Great Show
Mahoro is a retired combat android. She has a little over a year left in her operational life span. She decides to spend it helping people. She takes a job as a live in maid for a middle school boy named Suguru. She quickly works her way into his heart with her devotion and pure intentions. They become very close and overcome many challenges. A sexy teacher who has her eye on Suguru is always trying to split them up, an old enemy returns to settle the score with Mahoro, and Mahoro's impending fate weighs heavy on her heart. Despite these trials, their bond remains strong. Thye may be able to overcome any challenge together, but what will happen when her life span comes to an end?

This DVD set contains both seasons, and the summer OVA. There are Japanese and English audio tracks, and subtitles. My only complaint is that the DVD case has a spindle inside that is very strong. It is a little tough to get the discs over the lip of the spindle. All of the box sets may not be that...

A personal favorite
If you can relate to seeing a show that is really impactful & becomes quite beloved to you, but can't quite explain why - that is Mahoromatic to me in a nutshell. Perhaps it was because I can relate to times of loneliness as a young person with our main character Suguru's loneliness. Perhaps it is because of the very intriguing sci-fi plot that is cleverly revealed a little at a time. Maybe it is because of the light to dark swings by using zany fan service comedy as contrast to make an eminent dark threat & thoughts of one's mortality being more emotionally powerful. Maybe it is the personal relaionship that develops between Suguru & Mahoro that is so touching. Maybe it is the classic tragedy aspects that make it so memorable.

No it is not one of those things - I think it is because all these elements are so cleverly crafted into one show, it has never left my thoughts after seeing this a few years ago. I can't say for others they will come away with what I did with on...

An excellent series worth owning!
Hello everyone today the review is about the complete collection of Mahoromatic. I won't give a summary since that's what wikipedia is for. This is basically a combination of both Mahoromatic collections plus the OVA packed into 5 discs in one box. Although the packaging inside has the discs packed one on top of the other, they don't scratch easily. This series is one of my favorite and there's no denying it's influence. I think this is a series well worth owning as it is one you will watch more than once. I recommend this for those seeking a romantic comedy as this delivers plenty of laughs!

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