Thursday, October 3, 2013


On no she didn't!
Want to see a supremely watered down version of Fatal Attraction? If so, look no further than Obsessed, a potboiler that holds back much more than it succeeds in terms of being a potboiler. The Wire's Idris Elba stars as a successful corporate man who also plays loving family man to his wife (Beyonce Knowles), and soon becomes the target of psychotic young temp (Heroes' Ali Larter). Wholly predictable and cliche, Obsessed is mind numbingly dull from beginning to end, but I guess this is the kind of thing that passes for suspense these days that mainstream audiences seem to eat right up. Elba is disappointing wasted in his role, while Knowles and Larter do their respective parts at looking gorgeous, and doing nothing else as well. All in all, Obsessed is something that you could easily save yourself a few brain cells by not giving the time of day, and spending your viewing time on something more worthwhile.

So Horrible on Every Level - Fails Even as Camp !
This pathetic film is'nt even a watered down version of "Fatal Attraction," but instead a stinking stew pot of "The Hand the Rocks the Cradle," "Disclosure," "Waiting to Exhale," and "Play Misty for Me," all superior films to this tripe. "Obsessed" seems to exist for two simple reasons: to portray a black man as the Victim of a white woman, and to give Beyonce Knowles a chance to "Kick some ass." It fails on both accounts. Idris Elba looks like a younger Magic Johnson (ironically one of the Producers of this mess) but he acts like an Idiot: instead of taking care of the Stalker/Nut Job with a quick visit to Human Resources, he allows Ms. Lauter's Lisa to keep harassing him until it's too late. Ms. Lauter is a completely unconvincing Psycho. She seems more concerned with good camera angles and her skimpy wardrobe. But she looks like Meryl Streep compared to Beyonce Knowles. Ms. Knowles struggles to bring any sympathy to her character and while she looks great and treats us to some new...

Strictly avoidable
A movie that borrows its theme from A hand that rocks the cradle, Disclosure and Fatal Attraction is a movie that stars Idris Elba, Beyonce and Ali Larter. Beyonce and Idris are a young couple who are in love and trouble comes in the form of obsessive Ali Larter as Lisa Sheridan who is a temp in Idris's office. She becomes obsessed with Idris and trouble ensues. It is up to the wife, to take matters in her hands.
I thought the movie was badly directed with no chemistry between Idris and Beyonce. Idris was great in the Wire but is wasted. Beyonce needs some acting lessons because she is extremely wooden and unconvincing as the wife scorned. There are several holes in the story which are unexplained, like Lisa's past. I only watched this movie because it was on Netflix instant play and my next rental had not arrived. I give it one star. 2/17/10

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