Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Exhale: Core Fusion - Thighs & Glutes

Awesome for lower body - love it!
I just did Exhale: Core Fusion Thighs & Glutes, and I CAN FEEL my muscles!

I am a fan of original Callanetics, and was looking for other programs in similar lines but more modern and more strenuous then Callanetics. Core Fusion Thighs & Glutes turned out to be exactly what I was looking for for lower body! (no abs though) I was not fond of the setting with a statue of Buddha in the background, shadows of trees on curtains, and darker color scheme overall. However, I appreciate the fact that I could get to the menu and start exercising without being forced to wait through a lengthy intro. Exercises are well organized into 10 minute segments of 5 segments total with clear instructions. One instructor demonstrates advanced version, while the other demonstrates lighter version of the same exercise. The music selection is fine, and not distracting. Most importantly the exercises are great!!!

Thins out thighs and trims your waist too!
I have always built muscle easily and in my quest to get fit I have incorporated many different kinds of exercises. Unfortunately, I have lost some weight, but I have also bulked up in my lower body. I am short too, so any kind of excess (fat or muscle) is very unappealing. Here is where C/F: Thighs and Glutes steps in! There are 5 ten minute segments that include warm up, the exercises them selves, stretches after each move, and then final stretch. I started this video about three weeks ago...whoa! I have never had such thin thighs before! I am finally getting that curve on the inside of the thigh. And to make it all very interesting, I immediately dropped almost a whole inch off my waist. In THREE WEEKS! It may not sound amazing to you all, but for a short person that loses weight slowly, this is almost a miracle. Especially considering that I do not do the whole video each time, maybe two or three segments, three to four times a week added on to end of my usual exercise...

Another Winner From Fred and Liz!
I've been doing the other two Core Fusion DVDs for months and was so happy to receive the new one that I did the whole thing at one time, then added the Round Back/Flat back Abs, the Pure Core and the stretch from Pilates Plus and can I just say that I am sore in places (2 days later) that I have never really met before? This new DVD works all the muscles around the hips and waist as well as thighs, glutes, hamstrings and calves. What I really liked in this DVD is that Fred and Liz talk a little more about what you might be experiencing (shaking, burning, etc) and let a beginner know that this is normal. Liz has such a great body and having her do the work with a bare belly is a great motivator to see how she got that belly. Also, I like that all five segments are active, as I'm happy to do my own cool down or use one of the stretch segments from the other two DVDs. I'm looking forward to doing it again! Having all three Core Fusion DVDs allows me to program my own workouts with the...

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