Monday, October 14, 2013

One Week

Great film, decent Blu
I am not Canadian, nor is my store in Canada, but I still thought this was a great Canadian travel film. This was one of the more realistic cancer films I have seen in a bit, and (I feel) not worthy of the hate club that campaigns against it.

Simply put, it is a film about a man who travels across his country after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Like other good travel films, we see a sampling of the beautiful country that Canada has to offer, we encounter every-day personalities of people along the way and we learn a few lessons about ourselves and what life might be about. The difference here is that we get a insightful narration by Campbell Scott (most recognized of late with his role in Phoebe in Wonderland), which in itself provided some nice laugh-out-loud moments.

I laughed at unexpected moments, saw some incredible Canadian scenery, and did not feel anything was contrived or cardboard (as most complainants have stipulated). The special features...

Waking up in the Canadian Ethos
Ben Tyler discovers at the beginning of the film that he has a short time to live and despite the urgings of his fiancee and family to enter treatment immediately, he heads out on the road on a motorcycle. He takes photos of himself at man-made and natural landmarks, he meets people along the way who give him insights such as "if you need to ask if you are really in love, you aren't," and "I work the ranch without making enough money because there are other kinds of payments."

The other kinds of payments are hard to put into words. Things like being in contact with the wide open beauty of the land, or surfing, or enjoying the company of others.

It is a complex film that captures the feeling of settling for second best, of believing what people tell you about yourself, and then discovering they were wrong.

As a Canadian I identified strongly with Ben's journey. He has a romantic core, wants to instill some passion in his bored students -- but fails; he...

Well-written, peaceful, enjoyable film.
This was a great movie to stumble onto, thanks to Amazon's free Prime streaming. It's a great, scenic, peaceful, thought-provoking movie with good acting from the main character. And a nice motorcycle, to boot!

I found it well-written, with very little cruft, and without being overly dramatic. There is some great, understated humor - altogether, it strikes me as a very Canadian film :)

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The Three Stooges Collection, Vol. 6: 1949-1951

Probably the final set of great Stooges shorts
This set contains:

The Ghost Talks
Who Done It?
Hokus Pokus
Fuelin' Around
Malice in the Palace
Vagabond Loafers
Dunked in the Deep

Punchy Cowpunchers
Hugs and Mugs
Do pey Ducks
Love at First Bite
Self-Made Maids
Three Hams on Rye
Studio Stoops
Slaphappy Sleuths
A Snitch in Time

Three Arabian Nuts
Baby Sitters Jitters
Don't Throw That Knife
Scrambled Brains
Merry Mavericks
The Tooth Will Out
Hula La La
Pest Man Wins

These shorts are from the era when the Stooges were comprised of Larry, Moe, and Shemp. These are the probably the last of the great Stooges shorts. With television encroaching upon the motion picture industry, cost cutting measures were soon underway. One such measure taken at Columbia that had already impacted MGM and other studios was the decrease in scope of the short-subject department in...

The Stooges with Shemp at their height. Guaranteed laughs for comedy fans. This pre-release review only mentions the content.
Sony has been doing The Three Stooges proud in its continuing series of restored and remastered DVD editions. Volume 6 is highly recommended for comedy fans and a must for Stoogeheads. Many of the 1949-51 films benefit from witty scripts and direction, and are exceptionally funny.

The best shorts here were produced by Hugh McCollum and directed by Edward Bernds, who soft-pedaled the gratuitous roughhouse and allowed Shemp, Larry, and Moe to improvise freely. This brings new freshness to the standard slapstick format, and shows how professional and resourceful Howard, Fine, and Howard were. (You'll see many amusing instances when a scene is supposed to be over, but Bernds keeps the camera rolling to see what the Stooges will do.) The films also benefit from Columbia's resident stock company of the late 1940s: the lovely Christine McIntyre and Jean Willes, both equally adept at playing sincere heroines and crafty schemers; the suave Kenneth MacDonald, a definitive villain;...

The Combo of Moe, Larry, and Shemp Might have been the BEST!!!
This volume contains some of my favorite Stooges shorts, especially: The Ghost Talks (with the voice of Phil Arnold as Peeping Tom), Malice in the Palace (with the Emir of Schmo), and Three Arabian Nuts (with the Genius of the Lamp). However, I don't agree that this is the best of the Shemp volumes. For me, that title easily goes to Volume 5, with the hilarity of Brideless Groom, Sing a Song of Six Pants, Squareheads of the Round Table, Fiddler's Three, Shivering Sherlocks, and A Crime on Their Hands. These six shorts are EASILY among the best the Stooges ever made. Curly was beloved and was a comedic genius in his own right; however, the more I watch the Shemp shorts, the more I'm thinking that the best combination of Stooges might have been Moe, Larry, and Shemp.

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One Tree Hill: The Complete Second Season

The Second Season Comes Rollin' In
The second season of One Tree Hill was fantastic. Although not up to par with the first season quality wise, the second season is still ten times better than the other shows on television today. The season starts off a tad bit on the slow side, but no need to worry, because things get heated up real fast.

Nathan (James Lafferty) and Haley (Bethany Joy Lenz) announced in the season one finale that they got married, so now, the second season has them starting to deal with their marriage. Things don't exactly go as smoothly as they had planned. There are temptations along the line, as well as their dreams for the future which start to bring them apart from one another. Haley starts a musical career with Chris Keller (Tyler Hilton), a new guy in Tree Hill, and eventually, she leaves Tree Hill and Nathan to go on a concert tour across the US, leaving Nathan devistated.

The love triangle drama from last season between Lucas (Chad Michael Murray), Peyton (Hilarie...

Season 2 - Best all around.
This season ROCKS. The group throws a wedding for Haley and Nathan. We are introduced to 2 new characters: Anna and Felix. Haley leaves Nathan to go on tour with the Wreckers. The music is AWESOME. "Unopened Letters to the World" was a great episode, and gave some new insight to what the individuals of the group are feeling. Brooke gets voted student-body president. Nathan crashes in a race car, and has to get surgery. "Lifetime Piling Up" was done real well. I'm glad they showed us what life would have been like, or what Nathan thinks it would have been like, if Dan had chosen Karen over Deb. The season finale was shocking! Dan in a fire, Peyton found her mother, and Haley is back? Overall, this season is a MUST for any OTH fan.

The Drama Continues in Tree Hill
The second season of One Tree Hill picks up where all the drama, comedy, and romance of season one left off.

Does Dan survive? Are Nathan and Haley truly married? What will Tree Hill be like, since Keith and Lucas decided to leave? All these questions are answered, and the season then sets up and will have you asking a couple dozen more questions along the way.

Dramatic television series do have the tendency to fall off after the original season, but that was not the case, with season two of One Tree Hill. The twists, turns, and drama remains. Some of Tree Hill's residents have dramatically changed since the beginning of season one, while others have not. Can you tell which ones have changed and which ones are pretending?

There is something about One Tree Hill that is unlike anything else on television. In fact, there are several things unlike the rest of dramatic television today. The greatest shame is that a work of this high quality, with so...

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Lockdown 2009

The Most Dangerous PPV Returns...
Xscape Match: X Division Champion Suicide vs. Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Sheik Adbul Bashir vs. Kioshi - To those that are used to the X division spotfest that have happened in this type of match in the past, you'll be disappointed here as this was just a solid opening match between all four men but definately the weakest Xscape match they've had with the only noteworthy moment happening at the end.

O.D.B. vs. Daffney vs. Sojo Bolt vs. Madison Rayne - Nothing really noteworthy here as this was just an average filler.

I.W.G.P. Jr. Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns vs. L.A.X. vs. No Limit - The first standout match of the night as these four really vibed off each other with L.A.X. (mainly Hernandez) really tossing the Gunz (mainly Sabin) into the cage so many times with either a shoulderblock or Border Toss to the point where you are suprized that he wasn't serious injured afterwards. Again, first standout match of the night



TNA Lockdown 2009 review
The 5 way Xscape match for the X Division title was a high-flying showstealer and the same goes for the 3 way Tornado match for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team titles. The Queen Of The Cage match was a smash-mouth brawl and the same goes for the 3 way Women's title match. The Matt Morgan-Abyss-Doomsday Chamber of Blood match was a bloody,hard-hitting brawl. The Team 3D-Beer Money Inc-Philadelphia Streetfight for the TNA & IWGP World Tag Team titles was a smash-mouth,hard-hitting,out-of-control,brawl and the same goes for The Lethal Lockdown match. The Mick Foley-Sting-World title match was not great but pretty good and even a good reminder of a ECW match back in the 1990's. I give this PPV a 8 out of 10.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Garfield's Pet Force

The kids like it
This movie is completely innane, but my kids love it. I was a little surprised at its G rating--I would save this movie for older children (the villian says "shut up" which I think is inappropriate for young children and the tension/violence is a little scary for younger children, etc.) Unfortunately, if your kids see this once, they'll want to see it again and again.

What if Garfield was a Supehero
Garfield's Pet Force is based on the paperback books by Garfield's creator Jim Davis and is more action-packed than the previous Garfield outings. Here we get Garfield and Friends teaming up with superheros to stop an evil baddie and her army of zombies from taking over the world.

Garfield's Pet Force is a fun movie for the entire family.

Garfield's Pet Force
Garfield's Pet Force

This is a really funny and eye-popping movie that kids will love. There's never a dull moment, the animation is brilliant, and Garfield actually demonstrates some redeeming qualities -- he saves the universe! There's also a really cool game on the DVD called Professor Wally's Moscrambulator. If you're a fan of Garfield, of superheroes, of comic books, this is a great movie for you.

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Simoun: Complete Collection

Awesome in a thin package
Simoun is a series that I've run across reviews on and either the people love the series or hate it.

I personally love the series and when media blasters/anime works finally put out a box set of the 5 disk series here in the US I snapped it up eagerly.

This story is about war and the affects of war on the innocent people drug into it. It's a story about growing up in the chaos that is war and a story about figuring out what you want to do, or be, and taking the first steps into that direction of your life. I personally love the series completely and it is one of my all time favorites.

Now this boxset format disappointed me a little bit. I love simoun and did buy this set as soon as it was offered but they stuck all 5 disks into a single normal dvd case. I understand that media blasters like everyone else has to cut costs somewhere but there is just something nice about holding a nice box with slimpacks of your favorite series (with the cover art they...

Temple maidens forced to fight a war.
This story is placed on a planet where all people are born and spend their childhood as a girl. At the age of 17, the child chooses their sex by entering a holy stream, and crosses it while thinking about the sex they have chosen. The crossing of the stream becomes a rite of passage between a child and an adult.

A Simoun is an airship, with a pair of Ancient Helical Coils as its base. Spinning a coil provides power, which can be used to fly. The coils also react to the pure soul of a child before she chooses her place as a man or woman in this society, and can alter the space around it, by tracing through certain patterns.

Children of noble decent are chosen to act as priestesses. They perform these acts to bless the land, fight disease, improve crops, and other tasks that will better the community. Priestesses that excel can delay their trip to the stream to enter adulthood. It is a wonderful system, that is, until war breaks out.

The priestesses are...

This was much different from any anime I've seen; gender, spirituality, relationships, war, politics. The characters are a diverse cast of girls and women of different ages and personalities. I highly recommend it.

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The Actress

Two Great Actors
The movie based on Ruth Gordon's girlhood and yearning to become an actress is exquisitely realized by Jean Simmons' beautiful performance. The great Spencer Tracy plays her crusty father and the underrated Teresa Wright, her mother. Anthony Perkins in a very early role, provides the handsome but lanky love interest. The semi comic-tragic determination to realize her dream, is the core of the movie with father Tracy, an ex-seaman vehemently opposing daughter Simmons at every turn.

This is not a movie that will raise the roof through action or suspense, but rather a very fine character study. Audiences enraptured by the recently deceased Ms. Simmons were mainly enthralled with her stunning beauty, overlooking her remarkable talent as one of our finest actresses. No matter how poor the material she worked with, she managed to rise above the most trite scripts and inadequate characterizations with ease, turning a poor movie into a personal triumph.

First time on...

Spencer Tracy delivers in a BIG way here!
I just love Spencer Tracy. He was certainly one of the best actors of his generation (possibly the best) and his career is no joke; he was fantastic in nearly everything. `The Actress' is no exception. In fact, this may be one of his finest moments. He is heartfelt and paternal, with an obvious lean towards controlling and authoritative, but he is surprisingly light and funny. All of those assets culminate in a charming and completely mesmerizing star turn that etches yet another notch on his glorious belt of big screen accomplishments. Tracy aside, `The Actress' is certainly admirable. It isn't as profound or as outstanding as a whole as it is in parts, but it is engaging and entertaining and contains a few stellar performances outside of Tracy's; in particular Jean Simmons. She really captures the spunk and tenacity needed to sell her character; a young a vivacious `child' who is endeared to the stage and consumed with a lust for the limelight. Simmons really pulls this off...

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Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension, Vols. 1 & 2

A fun and family-friendly collection, perfect for young Pokemon fans
Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl Battle Dimension is a box set collecting the first two DVD volumes (containing seventeen episodes) of the latest installment of the Pokemon animated television series. As Ash, Dawn, and Brock continue their journey through the Sinnoh region, Ash trains and prepares to earn his next two Gym badges, while Dawn trains her performing pokemon in an effort to break her recent string of contest defeats with a victory. Each episode brings a different adventure - while the pesky Team Rocket of Jesse and James always seems to be on our heroes' trail, the new menace of Team Galactic also reares its threatening head! Many adventures also contain a helpful or insightful moral, from the importance of positive reinforcement and patience when dealing with others (especially when teaching or training), to the lesson that defeat in a competition, while painful, is not the end of the world; rather, it's an opportunity to learn and grow. A fun and family-friendly collection,...

Great series!
I can't wait to watch all of battle dimension! Even though they don't make complete season box sets, you can buy these at a reasonable price now. If you buy box sets 1, 2 and 3, then you will have all of Battle Dimension. On here, Amazon lists them as "Vols. 1 & 2" (which is all of BOX SET 1), then "Vols. 3 & 4" (which is all of BOX SET 2), followed by Box 3 (which is all of BOX SET 3). If you are a Pokemon fan and enjoy the anime and want to complete some dvd box sets, buy these. Like I said before, these are reasonably priced now. So enjoy!

Also, if you have Pokemon Indigo League (3 box sets), Orange Islands (1 box set), Master Quest (2 box sets), Advanced (2 box sets), Battle Frontier (2 box sets), and Diamond and Pearl (3 box sets) then you must have a lot of shelf room because all together these box sets do take up a lot of space. After you get through Galactic Battles (the next season after this) then the sets get thinner to save space.

Great pokemon season
I purchased this because I have been a longtime pokemon fan and are buying them for my collection,It is a good value for the number of episodes it contains, It is very different from the previous years like when it first started.Yet it is worth looking at and then you can decide if you want to buy or pass on it. I give it an A-.

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Babylon 5: The Complete Fifth Season (Repackage)

"Wheel of Fire" Final Season
Like the other four seasons, "Season Five" will be in widescreen anamorphic format and Dolby Digital 5.1. It includes all 22 episodes and runs for 968 minutes. For the final season, fans are expecting some special extras. Here is a list of the scheduled extras:

=>Introduction to Wheel of Fire (Season 5 of Babylon 5) by series creator, J. Michael Straczynski
=>Two audio commentaries by J. Michael Straczynski
=>Movements of Fire and Shadow commentary by cast members Bruce Boxleitner, Peter Jurasik, Patricia Tallman and Tracy Scoggins
=>Digital Tomorrow - a featurette about making the special effects for the series
=>Beyond Babylon 5 - a featurette focusing on the fans, their reactions to the show and available Babylon 5 merchandise
=>The Universe of Babylon 5
=>Personnel Files; Data Files; Gag Reel; Episode previews
=>Easter Egg: Marcus Cole: Dead or Frozen
=>Additional and Extended Scenes

Unfinished from prior seasons, the telepath...

The wheel turns, does it not, Ambassador?
After Season Four's constant exillerating pace, Season Five slows down to give the show a fresh story-arch climb. The season starts out by introducing the new Babylon 5 Captain, Elizabeth Lockley, an Earth Force Captain who faught for Clark's regime during the civil war, creating an interesting dynamic between herself, Sheridan, Dellen, and Garibaldi. We are also introduced to the machinations of the Inter Stellar Alliance.

Much of what Sheridan feared in Season Four comes to fruition with the legacy of the Vorlons and Shadows causing the paramount issues through out the year, and his Grandfather's quote, "The duration is longer than the war," is explained through action, consequence, and chance.

Much of the drama involved with the telepath crisis is sucked dry due to Ivannava's absence, with Lyta evoling to capture and express much of the emotional struggles. It is her story sallied with the character of Byron where the show fails to capture the force that was prevelent...

A correction, and an opinion...
Kevin is mistaken, Babylon 5 was only ever intended to run 5 seasons, start to finish. It was all plotted out in advance and there was never any intention of having a sixth season.

However, during the fourth season there was doubt as to whether the show would get picked up for the fifth, which required Straczynski to wrap up all the major storylines at the end of season 4 while still leaving room for another season if they got it. In the majority of television series, that wouldn't be a huge concern, as very little tends to change from one season to the next, let alone from episode to episode. The novel-like structure of Babylon 5 made this more challenging -- and yet, it also made it easier. Since he knew all along what the five-year story would be, Stracynski was able to shoot the series finale in such a way that it could be played at the end of either season four or five, depending on how things worked out. A somewhat differently-styled episode was shot which would be able...

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The Pink Panther 2 [Blu-ray]

Just relax and enjoy this perfectly good comedy
Better sight gags, more inspired comic sequences, and an actually clever mystery plot make "The Pink Panther 2" a more confident and more enjoyable film than its predecessor, which itself was perfectly watchable.

Yes, I guess it's pretty clear that I'm one of those in the minority who don't think it's sacrilege that Steve Martin is trying to follow in the footsteps of the great Peter Sellers. Two things should be remembered on this score: Peter Sellers was extremely talented, no doubt, but his Inspector Clouseau was, well... a bumbling detective character. In other words, it's not the kind of subtle, nuanced character that another talented comic actor can't legitimately take a crack at. Secondly, people forget that critics weren't head over heels in love with the original Sellers Clouseau movies, either, especially his last two or three. Moviegoers tended to like them, but critics mostly dismissed them in favor of Seller's more serious comic works, like "Dr...

Pink Panther 2: Great for Kids, Good for Adults
The Pink Panther 2 will have you laughing for 92-minutes, and who doesn't need some laughter in their life?

Steve Martin reprises his role as Inspector Clouseau, the ne'er-do-well Inspector of the French police. As in the first film, the antics of Inspector Clouseau provide the comedic relief and carry the film from start to finish.

The cast did a respectable job bringing the story to life and the casting was perfect for the many characters of the "International dream team" in pursuit of the thief "The Tornado."

The slapstick comedy is what really worked in this film. What didn't work as well was the theme of political correctness seen throughout. After a while it became obvious and less funny.

This is a film that will probably appeal more to children than adult audiences. Nevertheless, if you want to get lost in a film, The Pink Panther 2 might just do the trick.

A funny movie- Pink Panther 2
Steve Martin is back for a second shot as Inspector Clousseau in this sequel. The movie is about a series of high profile international robberies and the "Dream Team" of sleuths investigating the crimes, including Clousseau. Some people might get bogged down in "Is Martin as Good as Peter Sellers, are the new films the equals of the 60s and 70s classics", etc. A better question would be is this a good film and a funny film in its own right and on its own merits?
Taken on it's own merits, this is a funny movie with good slapstick and verbal humor. Like the Sellers films, the entire cast is very good with Cleese, Garcia, Mortimer and Reno all shining. It may not be as funny or as original as the best Sellers movies but it does what a comedy is supposed to do- make you laugh. That doesn't go out of style.

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The Shining Hour

This is another compelling melodrama in which Joan Crawford stars as popular nightclub dancer. Tired of the tawdry world of the demi-monde, she agrees to marry a rich man (Melvyn Douglas) from Wisconsin and live a quiet and simple life on his Wisconsin farm. Unfortunately for her, his jealous and domineering sister (Fay Bainter) lives there, as does their brother (Robert Young) and his wife (Margaret Sullavan).

The brother, who had initially disapproved of the match, finds himself falling for Joan, while his wife looks helplessly on. The sister is viscious towards Joan, and Joan and her husband build their own home in hopes of riding out his sister's hatred of Joan. Alas, this is not to be, as the sister's hatred takes a dramatic turn, which brings all the parties to a crossroad in each of their lives.

Margaret Sullavan gives an achingly poignant performance as the wife who loves a husband who does not return that love. The nuances of her performance steal the show away from Joan...

Fine Crawford and Sullavan chemistry in interesting drama
"The Shining Hour" displays the interesting meshing of two fine talents in talented actresses Joan Crawford and the magical Margaret Sullavan. Having seen very few of Sullavan's films I was amazed by her confident playing and husky appealing voice. Together these two really create an interesting pair of characters that look believable interacting with each other so natural is their rapport with each other.

"The Shining Hour" was a mildly successful Broadway play that Joan Crawford developed an interest in and got MGM to buy the option on as her next film in early 1938. She was experiencing a box office slump at the time despite having a success with Spencer Tracy in "Mannequin" and was eager to start exploring film properties that might offer her more of a challenge. While it has a similiar theme to alot of Joan's earlier work where she climbs the social ladder and is torn between the love of two men, here she is provided with fine performers and some...

Crawford is stuck in a love triangle again...
When the very lovely, talented dancer portrayed by Joan Crawford marries a wealthy farmer and moves to the family home where the entire family lives (ala Dallas) the fireworks begin when the husband's sister is consumed with jealousy and the younger brother falls in love with the vibrant Joan Crawford (I understand perfectly). The fireworks at the end make it well worth the watch. Joan does an marvelous job and looks great, too.

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Goodbye; My Fancy

If Joan could speak from beyond the grave she would say: stop overcharging my audience for my movies
This is one 3 forgettable pictures (the other 2 being "Female on the Beach" and "This Woman is Dangerous") that Joan made during the '50s that have been somewhat hard-to-find. Besides a laser disc more than 10 years ago, "Goodbye, My Fancy" has never been released on any other format. This film reminds me of a cross between "Autumn Leaves" and "The Story of Esther Costello".

In this film, Joan plays a college alumni who returns to her alma matter to receive an honorary degree. There's also a subplot concerning Agatha (Joan's character) and an old flame. However, the plot moves around a lot and doesn't have a centric theme. It's almost like one of those pictures that just goes on for a bit before ending. It wasn't a bad movie though.

Here is a list of all of the recent Joan Crawford DVDs that Warner Bros. put out this year (note: none of these films have been remastered and are not special issues and everything is on DVD-minus-R):
Spring Fever (silent)...

A pleasure to watch...
I enjoyed viewing this movie from 1951. I had read the articles that talked about Joan Crawford's rude treatment of Janice Rule, but even knowing this was taking place in the background, the movie was fun. I am glad the movies that have not been available on video before are being released. My only disappointment has been the warning that it might not play on a DVD-R. I can only play this one on my DVD-R; it will not play at all on the DVD-player I have in another room. The picture is nice and clear. Get the movie, sit back, and enjoy! I did.

Joan Crawford Does It Again !
Goodbye, My Fancy is a good Joan Crawford drama. With wonderful support from Eve Arden. Made when Stars were Stars.

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Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern: Collection Three

This show keeps getting better
Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods is really fun to watch,because he is so funny. His shows are educational, even if they can be rather disgusting at times.

Mr. Zimmern does something that no one else does, that I know of. He actually describes the food that he is eating. He tells viewers the taste, texture, and sometimes the smell of the food. He will even compare the more unusual foods to something more familiar to audiences in the United States.

Here is a listing of the shows in this collection:
Goa, India
Paris, France
Sicily, Italy
Los Angeles, California

The only disappointing thing about this set is that the DVDs do not have any subtitles.

If it looks good, watch it
Andrew Zimmern has a great outlook on life and is a brave man. He eats some nasty things, savors every bite, and describes the taste as if it were gourmet food. We watched this entire DVD in 2 days because it was just flat out fascinating.

Missing segments
I received my DVD in record timing but I was a little put off by the segments missing in collection Three. I was looking forward to seeing Andrew in Ethiopia, Uganda, and Japan. Also missing is the Halloween special and the Holiday special. I can only give this DVD one star.

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Reba: Season 6

Reba Season 6
Please release Season 6 in Full Screen!

Why on Earth did they cancel this show? I compare this show to the likes of Lucy! It should have been shown on the mainstream TV channels. Funny, entertaining and a joy to watch. It will bring laughter into your home. There are not many shows that our entire family can sit down and enjoy together. The writers of this series are phenomenal!

All characters blend together to make this one of the best comedies in TV history! I'm so tired of reality shows that have consumed the airways. I fear shows like Reba will disappear into the sunset, and our society needs the laughter shows like this produce. I have season 1-5 and I cannot get enough of them.

However, the rush to get Season 5 out, you can tell FOX did a poor job in doing. The packaging was not as nice as Season 1-4. Not the caliber of quality they put into the first four Seasons. But SO very thankful they released it!

Thrilled that Scarlett Pomers...

Great show...
I was floored by how funny and charming this show is - a blend of "I love Lucy", "Friends", "The Cosby Show", and maybe a touch of "Roseanne" thrown in.

All of the characters really work as sympathetic and interesting people, starting with Reba. She is just perfect as the strong, somewhat harried mom trying to navigate all the unconventional changes life has thrown at her and her family.

By season 6, Cheyenne and Van have matured into more responsible adults, but are still flaky and endearing enough to deliver many of the show's laughs and satisfy fans who loved the innocent airheads of season 1.

The Brock and Barbara Jean story line was less satisfying to me -- I wish they hadn't experienced QUITE so much conflict in their marriage throughout so many seasons, but the implication by the end is that they will work it out and that they love each other, so that's good.

Barbara Jean and Reba are always delightful together. And it is wonderful...

Love, love, love! While I was sad to see the series end this is a great season to end it. Only disappointment in the DVD is that there is no extras such as bloopers.

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Souls for Sale

Forgotten Movie-Jewel
This movie was forgotten and lost and discovered at again. Like the other Warner Archive DVD's its in good condition.

It's very enjoyable and movie-historical -interesting (for today) in any points:

This film offers behind-the-scenes footage of two legendary silent era director/performers at work: Charles Chaplin directing his comedy-drama _Woman of Paris, A (1923)_ and Erich von Stroheim directing Greed (1924)

A large number of the credited (in AFI and elsewhere) "celebrities" do not appear in the surviving version shown on Turner Classic Movies. They include: Hugo Ballin, Mabel Ballin, Robert Edeson, Claude Gillingwater, Dagmar Godowsky, Elaine Hammerstein, Alice Lake, Bessie Love, Patsy Ruth Miller, Anna Q. Nilsson, Milton Sills, Anita Stewart, Blanche Sweet, Florence Vidor, King Vidor, Johnny Walker and George Walsh

Many Hollywood "behind the scenes" actions are shown, including Marshall Neilan directing "The Eternal Three"; and Fred...

Inside old Hollywood
"Souls for Sale(1923)" was a lost, forgotten film for a long time. It's quite a juvenile story of a young woman lost in Hollywood with a creep husband(Eleanor Boardman and Lew Cody). But this is well worth seeing for anyone interested in old Hollywood history. Included are scenes of Erich von Stroheim filming "Greed" at MGM studios(a year before it became MGM), and Charile Chaplin filming "A Woman of Paris". This movie flopped because it had no scenes with Charlie Chaplin. You also see snippits of directors Fred Niblo and Marshall Neilan. "Souls for Sale" co-stars the very lovely Barbara LaMarr, the first big star to die from drug-related problems. Married several times, and an all-night party-girl, LaMarr's career soared based on her vampish beauty. She retired to Europe. In poor health, she died in 1926, after completing 30 films. She was 29 years old.

Souls for Sale
The title suggests a Hollywood exposé, but it's really a charming valentine, following Remember "Mem" Steddon's arc from runaway bride to Big Star. Great mix of melodrama & comedy doesn't take itself too seriously; the intertitles are often hilariously snide. Peppered w/ wonderful scenes of real directors directing real movies like GREED & A WOMAN OF PARIS. Director Rupert is Howard's uncle. 8/10

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Big Circus

The forgotten circus classic--The Big circus
Such a great circus picture! I can't understand why it hasn't been released, or at least easily located. Great performances, including 2 great stars cast against type: Peter Lorre as a clown, and David Nelson as a circus flyer with a dark secret. Even a cameo of Steve Allen, hosting a televised performance by the circus. A great mystery, much suspense, some clever humor, this movie has it all. For the ladies--that Victor Mature was quite a hunk! If you can possibly see this film in any format, don't miss it!

It's great to see this movie finally released in its original wide screen format. I always remember seeing this film on channel 9 in the New York area growing up in the Sixties in pan and scan format sometimes in black & white. Colors fluctuate from beautifully clear to soft fades but the sound is great. I really never appreciated the music score before and it really shines . Highly recommended for fans of circus movies, classic b movies and how can you object when you have both Vincent Price and Peter Lorre in their post-Poe film days. A gem from beginning to end.

A true circus.
This is an entertaining film that will remind the viewer of the more famous, The Greatest Show On Earth. Good performances by Victor Mature, Red Buttons and Peter Lorre. Especially good is the job done by beautiful Rhonda Fleming. Rhonda alone makes this a film worth owning.

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Payment on Demand

Good and rare. Not one of Davis' finest.
I have at least 16 Bette Davis DVD's at this point and am a HUGE fan. I even have the very rare 'Another Man's Poison' and a remastered version of 'Of Human Bondage' on DVD. I had never seen Payment on Demand and was wildly excited to get it in the mail.

It is a good film. It is not one of Davis' most memorable however. There isn't enough of her extraordinary acting ability in it. She plays it safe in this, for the most part. Still, she can get tears out of you at the end when she weeps in the car.

The picture quality is absolutely superb, as is the sound.

I recommend this to seasoned Davis collectors, but not for a new fan. This is not going to grab a "newbie" in any profound way. For that, I would recommend 'Now Voyager', 'The Letter' or 'All About Eve.'

Payment On Demand
I was thrilled to find this movie available on DVD for a very personal reason, my twin sister and I played Diane as a toddler, in the flash back scene. According to my Mother, I was the crying child, who Bette 'switched' with my twin sister,the sweet and well behaved one! (Trust me, that hasn't always been the case!) But what a trip, to watch us, almost 60 years later, being carried around by Bette Davis!!! CJH

Great Movie! Outrageous Price!
Great movie with an outrageous price. After purchasing I found out I can get the same title directly from Warner at $10 cheaper. Greatful to own this DVD. Recommended to all Bette Davis fans.

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This Woman is Dangerous

every inch a lady
Who writes these descriptions? "This Woman is Dangerous" was never considered a classic. I wouldn't even consider it a cult-classic (like "Johnny Guitar", "Torch Song" or "Harriet Craig"). Instead, it's a little-known picture that most of Joan's newer generation of fans (anyone under 25, like myself) have likely never seen because it has never been released on any format until now.

After a string of unsuccessful films, this was Joan's final contracted Warners picture as she decided to branch out on her own. And Joan must have known best, because directly after "This Woman is Dangerous" she made one of her defining pictures, which was nominated for an Oscar, "Sudden Fear".

In this film, Joan plays Beth Austin, a gangster who goes out of her way to erase her past after meeting a new man. The film is very mundane and somewhat forgettable because none of the scenes are overly dramatic, nor does it have that over-the-top essence that many of Joan's pictures of the...

Buyer Beware
This is another of the Warner Archive releases. Be warned, this will not play on pc's or player/recorders. It will only work on "play only" machines. I'm thrilled that attention is being given to these titles but I can't help but wish that, for the price, they played on all equipment. I'm fortunate enough to have a second viewing set-up but for those who don't it wll be frustrating not to be able to play these titles.

"Wonderful This Film Has A Home On DVD"
"This Woman Is Dangerous" continues Joan Crawford's foray into her Warner Brother's melodrama period, but it falls short of being nothing more than a movie starring Joan Crawford. The movie just doesn't jell. A shoddy story of a woman, played by Crawford, who is a female gangster who is trying to abolish her past and change her ways. Crawford runs through her scenes and the viewer can tell she is not enjoying herself in this role. There is no direction to speak of and the script is pretty dull. This movie doesn't feature any melodramatic scenes that are evident in other Crawford 1950's films, but it is wonderful that this rare gem has finally found a home on the home video market. As some reviewers have ponted out Warner Brother's has released over a dozen never-before-released titles of Joan's on DVD through their website. Among the other rare titles available are "Mannequin", "Ice Follies of 1939", "The Shining Hour", "Possessed" with Clark Gable", and "Goodbye, My Fancy". All the...

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Swamp Thing: Eight Favorite Episodes

Eight episodes. A nice taste of the swamp.
Eight episodes.
A nice taste of the swamp.
Cannot beat the price... or the Swamp Thing with a stick!


swamp Thing
I love this series. Doctor Frankenstein of the Swamp. the young Babe is smokin hot. the hero is wise and deals with his genetic change to half human, half swamp. Thing.

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Red Skelton - America's Clown Prince - 6 DVD Set - 30 Hilarious Episodes!

Good Ole Comedy
The order came as expected. I ordered it as a gift for my dad's 80th birthday. I didn't realize that there were musical selections after each episode. We could have done without that. I wished that there were only the comedy episodes and not the singing. I also wished that the episodes were continous and not have to select the next feature. I had hoped that it would just flow from one episode to the next. My dad is having a hard time using the remote to make the selections. Because of this fact, I don't think he is enjoying it as much as I would have hoped.

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Third Watch: The Complete Second Season

Someone Light a Fire Under the DVD Producers!
What is it going to take to get the other 5 seasons of the best cop/fire/medic drama ever to air on tv on DVD? There is so much garbage available on DVD why not this series? Please get a move on. If you make them available we will buy them. I promise! =)

Release delays because of copyright issues
I'm a huge fan of Third Watch and learned a while back that the reason it's taken sooooooooooooooooo long for them to come out on DVD in the US is because of copyright issues on the AWESOME music that plays throughout the show. It's been released in Japan for years. Sheesh! I can hardly wait to get my copy!

the sooner the better
the best show on TV, let me have it on great, commercial free DVD quality rather than waking up early to watch it on A&E. The faster this comes out, the better, get all of the seasons out, please!

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Bleach Uncut Season 3 Box Set: The Rescue

Details about the Limited Collector's Hollow Mask
There are plenty of well written reviews on this page and the standard box set of season 3 Uncut Bleach page that all articulate very well just how awesome this show is. Season 3 ranks among the best (though later seasons which have aired in Japan are EVEN better, and this sesaon sets the groundwork for the later storyline.)

I am strictly going to talk about the Limited Collector's Hollow Mask which comes with this set, so you can decide if it is worth it the extra money. Someone smarter than me will probably post the picture, or I will if I can figure out how. It still warrants a description though, more than just a visual.

I am not usually one for "collectible knick knack" items found in limited edition sets, like figurines, etc. But this is just really, really cool.

The hollow mask is very high quality, seems like it's some type of material similar to ceramic--but very solidly molded (not delicate.) It is boldly painted, and brilliantly, is it...

If that's the only way, then I'll just have to do it
Now that they've gotten into the Soul Society and the Seireitei, Ichigo and Co. have ANOTHER problem: rescuing Rukia and escaping with their body parts intact.

Unfortunately, it's not going to be that easy. "Bleach: The Rescue" kicks everything about this brilliant anime up a notch -- lots of blood, sword-fights, a fiery climax at the execution grounds, and some amazing character development. But the best part is that the treacherous conspiracy merely hinted at in prior episodes, which sparks a minor civil war within the Seireitei.

Yoruichi starts the badly-wounded Ichigo on a special new training regimen -- to rescue Rukia, he must achieve achieve bankai (the ultimate release of a zanpakuto) in three days. In the meantime, Uryu has encountered the most horrendous of Soul Reapers, who is responsible for the death of a loved one, and Captain Hitsugaya is confronted by an old friend who tries to kill him -- accusing him of murdering Captain Aizen.


If that's the only way, then I'll just have to do it
Now that they've gotten into the Soul Society and the Seireitei, Ichigo and Co. have ANOTHER problem: rescuing Rukia and escaping with their body parts intact.

Unfortunately, it's not going to be that easy. "Bleach: The Rescue" kicks everything about this brilliant anime up a notch -- lots of blood, sword-fights, a fiery climax at the execution grounds, and some amazing character development. But the best part is that the treacherous conspiracy merely hinted at in prior episodes, which sparks a minor civil war within the Seireitei.

Yoruichi starts the badly-wounded Ichigo on a special new training regimen -- to rescue Rukia, he must achieve achieve bankai (the ultimate release of a zanpakuto) in three days. In the meantime, Uryu has encountered the most horrendous of Soul Reapers, who is responsible for the death of a loved one, and Captain Hitsugaya is confronted by an old friend who tries to kill him -- accusing him of murdering Captain Aizen.


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Push [Blu-ray]

A Movie for Special People

This movie starts 10 years in the past, where Nick Grant (Colin Ford as a youth and Chris Evans as an adult) is a young teenager. His dad is killed by agents of the Division. As the story goes, the Division is a shadowy government organization that has continued doing research into the development of soldiers with psychic capabilities. This research was started in Nazi Germany in 1945 and has secretly continued since then. Radiation is used to improve these capabilities, however, the survival rate after the treatment has not been good.

In order to understand this movie, you need to be aware of the major categories of the different psychics and their capabilities:

- Watchers : able to see future events, demonstrated by drawings;
- Movers: able to control objects without physical contact;
- Pushers: able to implant thoughts and change memories;
- Shifters: these persons can change the appearance of objects;
- Sniffers: smell...

One of my favorite movies, I wish there had been a sequel
This movie is one of my favorites. Despite the Amazon review, this movie is not hard to follow. It is full of excitement and suspense.There is never a boring moment. The acting is amazing and Camilla Belle is gorgeous. Dakota Fanning is truly able to show off her talent.

I have watched this movie many times and never tire of it. I only wish there had been a sequel.

Really Good movie!
I don't know why everyone keeps saying that this movie was just ok. I thought it was really good and entertaining. It isn't your normal superhero movie. I think that is a good thing. There needs to be different ideas out there. Not every superhero has to save the world at the end of the day. Give this movie a try. I'm glad i did.

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G.I. Joe A Real American Hero: Season 1.1

Definitely worth it but for those who owned the previous season 1, is it worth the double dip?
"G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero" is literally the classic animated series that became an iconic series for thousands of fans who loyally collected the many awesome merchandise from Hasbro and continues to be a popular toy line today.

Although, the series was released in 1984, the series has spawned several of animated series and CG films. In 2008, the 3 3/4 action figures and vehicle line celebrated its 25th Anniversary and in 2009, earlier in the year, fans were treated with a more darker and more violent animated series with "G.I. Joe Resolute" and by the Summer of 2009, would be treated with the live action film and a release of a G.I. Joe video game.

So, what better time than now but to enjoy the classic 1985 animated series through SHOUT FACTORY's "G.I. JOE - A REAL AMERICAN HERO - SEASON 1.1" on DVD.

The DVD release is the second release of the popular animated series (the first was released through RHINO, note: RHINO only released season 1 and...

A team of militant heroes codenamed "G.I. Joe" lead by the couragous Duke struggle to fight for the freedom of America and the world from the threat of the manicial terrorist organization known as COBRA lead by the evil Cobra Commander and steel-faced fiend Destro.

This show became one of the most iconic animated shows of the 80's besides Transformers, Real Ghostbusters and He-Man and is one of the best cartoons ever. The show is based on Hasbro's action figure series much like "Transformers" was in 1984 but in 1983 Sunbow/Marvel animation made three annual mini-series based on the figure series which came in 1983, 1984 and finally 1985 where it lead to a successful TV animated series that earned high ratings among people of all ages. I love how the show has smart writing including tons of action and excellent characters from sexy Baroness, beautiful Scarlett, lovable sailor Shipwreck, hard cooking and hardcore fighter Roadblock, and more which helped made this a favorite...

A Classic Of The 80's Has Come Back Greatly
After watching the live action movie of G.I. Joe Rise Of The Cobra(While a little entertaining but still a somewhat of a letdown) I felt the feelings of wanting to watch the cartoon version to bring back the true enjoyment of this series. The animated series and the live action version of course differ greatly so if you're a fan of the cartoon series than you must pass the live action movie over or be prepared to be annoyed. The cartoon version while lasting I think about 95 episodes was and will always be one of the most remembered shows of the 80's to live on. Watching as the JOES and Cobra would battle each other every episode or through multi-part story saga episodes was great and entertaining to watch and I was greatly saddened when the producers decided to cancel the show. The cast for the JOES and COBRA were so numerous that it was easy for anyone to have their own personal favorite character for the show from Duke, Scarlet, Snake Eyes, Flint, and Lady Jaye to Cobra...

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Callan: Set 1

David CALLAN (Edward Woodward, The Equalizer) was blackmailed by a secret part of the British Security Services known as "The Section". They wanted his skills. He didn't like or want the job, but he had no choice, but he was good at it. This former soldier turned thief, was 'drafted' by "The Section".

The Section head, codename Hunter (William Squire), AKA Charlie, is cold, ruthless, needs Callan, and cares little about who gets killed. Concern is only the how, why, and if anyone finds out.

There's a nucleus of regular cast, but each episode (9 in this Set 1) is primarily a new suspense story involving espionage, murder, blackmail, and all those good black things. Callan is THE top agent (realism, no James Bond or Get Smart stuff here)--kills when ordered--is a deadly shot--with a tinge of conscious, fair play, and justice. It's a bit on the dark side, every man for himself. A collection of individuals in a dark world, void of trust. A climate where right and...

"Set 1" is Season 3
In case there is any confusion, this set comprises the 9 episodes of Season 3, which is the first season to be filmed in color.

Callan great; But packaging is misleading.
Callan was a great series, but the packaging of this product is misleading. "Set 1" is too easily confused with "Series 1". If like me you have already purchased "Series 3" then you will be very upset that you now own two copies of "Series 3". I know the editorial review makes it clear, but when you are a fan you do not think you need to read such reviews... Ok, so next time I will whenever I consider purchasing a product packaged by Acorn Media. Mind you, I will probably not buy on principle.

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Bewitched : The Complete Eighth Season

"The End of Bewitched"
"Bewitched" aired its final season in 1971-1972. The show was suppose to air for one more season but Elizabeth Montgomery wanted off the show for various reasons; she felt it was time to move on to more gratifying projects, but the big reason was her and William Asher, who produced the series, were splitting up. Elizabeth had moved in with Richard Michaels, one of the show's directors. Asher would go on to produce two more series for ABC in the following season, both of which failed, and Liz would go on to TV movies, the most famous being "A Case of Rape" for NBC, where she played a victim who is raped twice by her attacker. The film still holds the record as being one of the highest rated TV movies ever.
The final year of "Bewitched" was a sad one: scripts were repetitive, and the writers ran out of ideas, so they rewrote scripts from the first two seasons. The actors, most notably Liz, were running through their scenes. In the last several episodes you can tell that Elizabeth...

Europe here we come!!
Hey Bewitched Fans get ready for the Eighth and Final Season of Bewitched coming out this July. This may be the last season of Bewitched, but you sure do not want to miss this extra ordinary last season. This season has 26 more magical episodes including the 7 story arch of Darrin and Sam in Europe, Tabitha entering the second grade and other adventures involving the Stephens family. The season kicks off when Darrin and Samantha arrive in London, England and Sam is sent back to the 16th century for setting free a warlock who was imprisoned in a painting. While there, Darrin and Endora must rescue Samantha before she gets beheaded by King Henry VIII. Also they travel to Italy, France and Scotland. Sam learns that the legendary Loch Ness Monster is none other than a warlock named Bruce who ages ago transformed the monster into the creature for bothering Serena. Next stop is Italy, where we learn Esmeralda was the one who made the Tower of Pisa lean and then we must do as the...

Season 8 Completes Bewitched!
The fall of 1971 began the 8th and final season for "Bewitched". This last season begins with Samantha (Elizabeth Montgomery) and husband Darrin Stephens (Dick Sargent) going to Europe on a business trip for McMann and Tate, Darrin's advertising job. There is lots of wonderful and witchy trouble waiting for Sam and Darrin in England, Scotland, Italy and France. This 8th season also features Esmerelda zapping up George Washington for a school project she is helping Tabitha (Sam and Darrin's daughter) with. Tabitha starts school and gets into trouble with her natural witchcraft abilities with her Hansel and Gretel book and also by zapping herself into a children's television show. With her grandmother Endora's help- Tabitha becomes a champion skating star and a genius on a school intelligence test. Sam also has her moments in this last season, when her face becomes striped after having a Heavenly Himalaya Drink at a Chinese restaurant.

"Bewitched" was originally based on the...

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Knowing [Blu-ray]

Why read this first? Because hopefully there are no spoilers here. In so many of the reviews for this movie, as well as others on Amazon, people seemed compelled to give a total synopsis of the movie all the way up to the end -- especially if they didn't like the movie. It's like if they didn't care for it, then nobody else needs to see it. Well, I'm glad that I didn't read any of the reviews here before watching KNOWING because I enjoyed not knowing and being able to decide for myself. And my opinion is that KNOWING is a very fine movie.

The previews tell you what you need to know: A time capsule which contains school children's drawings about what they think things will be like in 50 years is opened in the present day. An astrophysicist (Nicholas Cage)gets hold of one submission which is a lengthy series of numbers. He discovers that the numbers predict future disasters, most which have happened, but a few that are still to come. His mission becomes to avert the...

Great movie for the intelligent...too much for the simple.
This is an excellent movie but it will not be for everyone. The people who wrote the screenplay seem to have made the mistaken assumption that the average moviegoer is also well-read and educated. This, sadly, is not the case. The plot line of Knowing is rooted in some rather obscure and/or less-than-mainstream ideas. These include Chaos theory, the ideas of Von Daniken, ancient astronaut theory, astrophysics, and certain alternative facets of spirtuality.

If you are the type who likes a movie that makes you think and question then this will be perfect for you. And if you like it then spread the word to your more intelligent friends!

Knowing is perfect for those who appreciate some thought being put into movies. For those who prefer mindless and simple entertainment, then you have your choice of many other movies.

Childhood's End
I noticed early on that "Knowing" had been receiving scathing reviews from cinephiles who called the movie "cliche," "trite," and "derivative." Most of these criticisms were impassioned and seemed to compare the movie to false estimations of what the film should have been. There is nothing wrong with wanting a movie to subvert or defy your expectations; but there is something unfair about not recognizing a film for what it is, especially when the movie succeeds so brilliantly in achieving its end result. "Knowing" starts off like a typical apocalyptic thriller rooted in numerology. But slowly the momentum of the film builds with each carefully crafted scene, so its suspense dissolves into a profound study on loss and letting go. "Knowing" is about knowing your place and role in the universe, and accepting it; and as hard as it may seem, letting go of your loved ones for their betterment -- even if its at odds with your own private longings. The ending could have played out many...

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Bellydance - Opulent Motion The Artistry of Slow Moves, with Sarah Skinner: Open level belly dance instruction, Belly dance how-to, Bellydancing performance planning

The most beautiful secrets of the dance, from Sarah
Think silk, cinnamon and spice. Think rose petals, soft breezes and pearly white sands. Think of the most beautiful things you ever saw. And the saddest. Things that touched your heart, made you reach out, withdraw, feel pain, feel joy...

All of these are embodied in the dance that Sarah dances.

In this video, Sarah shows you that it's not enough to dance with your body. You must dance with your thoughts, your imagination, your feelings and your dreams. If I were to watch this video once, and put it away, the one message I would go away with is that you must fill every movement and moment with whatever affects you most deeply. Remember something you yearned for, think of something that awes you with its beauty, and draw it into your dance. Take the music and make it your own story.
Forget your isolations and muscle conditioning drills and authentic Egyptian moves and your flawless technique and watch as Sarah Skinner tells you what it is in her heart and...

What you need to really be an artist!
This DVD is much like Nadira Jamal's wonderful series, in that it takes you beyond the drills, movement instruction, and canned choreographies that so many other bellydance DVDs repeat. Don't get me wrong! Michelle Joyce's Drills, Drills, Drills and Killer Ziller are fantastic for learning and making bellydance movements effortless, once you get beyond the beginner stage. But I have been disappointed too many times in buying what I thought was a "choreography" DVD to learn how to choreograph and express music, only to wind up with someone exceptionally talented teaching me a fixed choreography without going through how it came to be. Great practice, but I want to be more than a mimic of someone else.

What I want at this point in my training (intermediate) is to get into the mind of a dancer who is able to express herself and to interpret the music effectively, which is really what makes the difference between a dancer (technical expert?) and an artist. So far, only my...

Sarah Skinner presents a beautiful instructional video that is full of delicious, sensuous moves, as well as stunning costumes (as usual) that are a feast for the eyes. Particularly useful to beginners and intermediates is the breakdown of the rhythms. If you are a student that has trouble with slow moves, you truly must get this DVD and work with it. Sarah will make it fun and painless for you! She is truly inspirational in this video! She will even help you improve how you look in the photos that are taken as you dance. The visualizations that Sarah gives will help many to start incorporating that method into their dance. This DVD and Blanca's Sensual Belly Dance are 2 must-haves for beautiful slow work. Enjoy!

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World War II Collector's Set: 6 Films

An excellent anthology at a bargain price
This "World War II Collector's Set" is an excellent documentary-film collection at a bargain price. If you care to check, you will find that some of the films collected here (Hitler's Britain, Desert Victory, The Nazis Strike, Here Is Germany, The Spreading Holocaust, and How Hitler Lost the War) are sold separately on Amazon for about the same price (individually) as this set. Desert Victory is an Oscar-winning documentary. The Nazis Strike was compiled by master director Frank Capra. Hitler's Britain, while a documentary, asks the "what-if" question: "What course would the Nazis have pursued had they actually overrun England?" The six films are on two disks, and all told they run over six hours.

* * * * *

Great collection at usually a bargain price
I bought this set for the movie other than "Hitlers' Britain", and "How Hitler Lost the War", at walmart for $5, cause I don't believe I had seen the others, though I had bought the two latter separately on two dvds in better resolution, and they were well worth having on individual discs. This set has alot of overcompression of the videos causing pixelation, but hey, for the price, I paid five bucks, who cares, I could always go for a better copy individually if really appeal to me more, later.
Of course, I always find our western education that relates everything to war against Nazi germany in WW2 as a war against Hitler himself, a truly ignorant premise. Too many documentaries use the same catchy phrase, like "Hitlers flying machines", or "hitlers uboats", or "Hitlers secret weapons", etc, you get the idea, its getting old so fast its too old, its almost like they are afraid of the "nazi" word, like maybe calling it "Nazi Britain", or "How the Nazis lost the war". I mean,...

A Great Compilation of World War II Documentaries!
This DVD comes with only one disc and six full-sized documentaries. If you have to realize that the quality is not guaranteed because the films have suffered over time. Please understand how time has harmed the documentaries but they are restored as much as possible. Anyway with a few scratches and signs of imperfection of the early film documentaries, the six documentaries included Academy Award winner, "Desert Victory," which is really just World War II film footage and a narrator talking about the war in Northern Africa.

Everybody knows Frank Capra as the father of "It's A Wonderful Life!," but he was also Colonel Frank Capra for the United States Army. He directed "The Nazis Strike" which features the propaganda messages and Nazi newsreel to brainwash a nation. He also directed "Here is Germany," which shows the country as a hard-working nation of good people. It's another propaganda technique.

"The Spreading Holocaust" displays the horrors of World War II...

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Last Year at Marienbad (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]

Memory is imagination pinned down
Last Year at Marienbad is a "love story," although not a "story" in the conventional narrative sense, since the fragmented images cannot be scanned chronologically. The "story" is not told rather it is described using a juxtaposition of physical images, through memories and associations, projected through a space-time continuum, which destroys both linear chronology and fixity. Resnais built a captivating puzzle-like film, a labyrinth, which at time resembles the optical illusions of Escher or the surreal world of Magritte. Any attempt to provide a satisfying chronology for the film would contradict the assumptions upon which it was built, as well as the manner in which it is presented.

Marienbad is a cine-roman, a cinematic novel, that is, a particular way to tell a story, which by definition involves space and time. It is not simultaneously a novel and a film, but it uses certain techniques of the novel and of the cinema. Resnais uses a variety of cinematographic...

Don't think, Just Look.
LAST YEAR AT MARIENBAD is virtually without peer in the cinema. It has caused a great deal of controversy over the years, with some claiming it as one of the greatest films ever made, others claiming that it must be some sort French joke on the audience. For those of you familiar with French films in general, you know that bad French movies tend to consist of a few characters discoursing about love in a stilted, soap-opera-like manner. Set against this context, LYAM is indeed a joke, a brilliant satire. The banality of the love triangle also pokes very Gallic fun at the annoying cliches of Hollywood melodrama. Part of the confusion caused by this film comes from the standard nature of the plot - our expectations about how this type of film should work are constantly set up, then thouroughly compromised from the opening sequence of the movie. Viewers are rarely cognizant of just how much we have internalized standard Hollywood techniques as the ONLY way of using cinematic forms...

Once again, Last Year at Marienbad, forever.
Be warned up front that this movie will not suit everyone. This is film as art and it is in black and white; there are those who hate it and those who love it. It is subtitled in English but you will enjoy it even more if you understand French because the off voice is often hauntingly poetic. It was filmed on location in Bavaria, Germany, near Munich at the palaces of Nymphenburg and Schleissheim. The script is relatively easy to find both in French, L'Annee derniere a Marienbad, and in English under a title slightly different from the one of the movie: Last Year in Marienbad.

I greatly admire and love this movie; I believe it to be a masterpiece of French cinema. This is a work that you'll watch over and over and of which you will not tire. A labyrinthian intrigue unfolds in an icily beautiful sprawling baroque palace --a dream-like deluxe palace hotel where tuxedos and evening dresses are de rigueur . Along with the protagonists you will enjoy losing yourself over and...

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The Universe: The Complete Season Two

Great series!
I ordered this series with the thought 'what more can they do?' I seen it all in season one, it cannot top that. Was I wrong!
It was even better.

To realize that the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, and so vast, that it's totally beyond our comprehension and still expanding. A truly unimaginable thought, that.
There are so many amazing episodes, one of which shows the largest objects in space. They are seriously big, like the so-called "cosmic web" of galaxies, which is a hundred million billion times bigger than Earth. Then there's the fascinating Lunar transient phenomena, the pulsar planets, the hot Jupiters, the weather in space, dark matter, dark energy, and much more. Really mind-boggling stuff, this!
For instance it's estimated that the impact of the asteroid that landed on the Yucatan Peninsula about 65 million years ago, wiping out the dinosaurs, this was equal to that of dropping a Hiroshima-sized atomic bomb every second for 140...

NOT Anamorphic
First of all, let me start out by saying that this is an excellent collection of documentaries about the universe. However, for those of us with widescreen televisions, we should be aware that this collection, much like season one, is NOT optimized for our widescreen televisions. It is presented in 'Letterbox' format, meaning that on widescreen televisions it will be presented with large black bars on all sides, with the feature occupying a window in the middle of the screen. For those with 4:3 televisions, it will appear as all widescreen features do, but for 16:9 screens it is a major disappointment.

Edutainment at its best
The History Channel knows science, and they're good at making complex systems and ideas easy to understand - and approachable - for the everyday observer. The Universe, Complete Season Two on Blu-ray is no exception. This four-disc set features all 18 episodes, nearly 15 hours of content, including covering topics like Dark Matter, Exoplanets, Cosmic Collisions, Supernovas, and more. And while episodes are only loosely tied together by the fact that the subjects covered are part of - or take place in - our universe, it doesn't seem overly odd or disjointed- especially for the younger viewers.

Fantastic phenomena and alien worlds are re-created through extremely realistic computer animation, which is shockingly detailed and stunningly beautiful. The visuals take viewers inside wonders that man has only viewed from afar, giving a close-up look at the fascinating inner workings of the cosmos around us.

The series also includes documentary style interviews with...

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Lookin' to Get Out (Extended Version)

After Nick Dawson's Biography
I read Nick Dawson's biography of Hal Ashby and admired the young Scottish biographer's attempt to make sense out of the mad rush of US life in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. What a challenge, and in the book he announces that he has uncovered, with the help of Ashby's daughter, Ashby's own cut of LOOKIN TO GET OUT in the UCLA film archives. He made the movie sound so good I pre-ordered the thing on Amazon and counted the days till it appeared. So this is all your fault, Mr. Dawson! In this case, I'm terribly grateful, because I too had heard the stories of how awful GET OUT was and if you hadn't been so persuasive I wouldn't have given the picture a first chance, much less a second.

We watched it on New Years Day, and it was a good way to begin what I hope will be a much better year than last year. Ashby's direction is topnotch and from the beginning he establishes a mood and atmosphere that carries the movie in a rather different direction than the Vegas Vacation sort of...

Forgotten Masterpiece
Smash and Grab
This movie influenced Tarantino along with "Eight Million Ways to Die". The last couple of movies by Hal Ashby were swept under the carpet but both broke new ground in depicting the quirky underworld characters that would, just a little bit later, become so hip in Hollywood. Ashby, like Peckinpah, was a wild maverick but I can't wait to see his director's cut and if you've never seen this you're in for a real treat.

Lookin' to Get Out
Look at all of the stars in this movie! you will swear you are lookin' at the sky! And the setting is Las Vegas!

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hypnosis - Stress Relief

This DVD has CHANGED MY LIFE for the better! It is EXCELLENT! I got it from the local library right after a relationship breakup with a long-term partner that was extremely devastating for me. I renewed this DVD from the library three times and played THE SESSION track at least a hundred times. It helped me tremendously. A few months after this I had major surgery and it is helping me recover both emotionally and physically. Since I started listening to this DVD I lost 32 pounds and felt more alive, positive and hopeful after listening to it...
I struggle daily with dysthymia (low grade depression,) CFIDS and fibromyalgia. Listening to this DVD has really shifted my mood to a more positive frame of mind. A close friend who is a trained therapist noticed the improvement in my mood after listening to Stress Relief.

Susan's message is positive, encouraging and calming...She should make a CD out of the "Session" track. She repeats this session in the DVD..once with a...

Hypnosis Stess Relief
CD and the replacement CD were both defective - no sound. Tried them on 3 different CD players and not one sound.

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Lonely are the Brave (Universal Backlot Series)

A unique, unforgettable classic
It is difficult to imagine a film like "Lonely are the Brave" being released today. Everything about this near-forgotten 1962 semi-classic seems unconventional. A bittersweet ending, a flawed hero/protagonist, quirky law enforcement officials, character-establishing scenes which move slowly though perceptibly, underlying brutality (during a vicious barroom brawl) and a thematic mourning for a time long since passed. And of course the film is in black and white.

Like great poetry, the film "Lonely are the Brave" must be savored several times, it's taste acquired, it's ideas earned through thought and contemplation. Quite simply, the film is one of the finest westerns ever made.

A simple tale, though with crisp dialogue and underlying substance, "Lonely are the Brave" tells the story of the modern-day loner cowboy Jack Burns, brilliantly played by Kirk Douglas. Upon his horse, Burns rides into a dusty New Mexico town to visit old friends, dodging...

Individuality Can Be Lonely
I grew up in N.M., where the story takes place (Albuquerque), and my dad took me to the Route 66 Old Town Bridge where we watched the filming of Kirk crossing the Rio Grande on horseback. At that time, it was just neat to see a movie star.
I didn't truly appreciate the film until I grew up. Now, I see in it an individual very much like cowboys who were around in my childhood; fiercely independent, hard-drinking, hard-working men who, because of their disdain for fences, rules, and conformity, are themselves responsible for being alone. They are men who were born too late, who are old fashioned cowboys in a West where round-ups are now by helicoptor and ATR vehicles. A man on horseback, as a way of life, is rapidly fading away. You can see that sadness and loneliness in this film. That the hero in the film could actually believe that he could out-run modern police pursuit on horseback only adds poignancy; he is really trying to out-run modern times and loss of individuality. That...

To Whom It May Concern
This is getting ridiculous. They constantly put out crap like Knight Rider, but can't get it together for a classic film like "Lonely Are The Brave". Kirk Douglas himself, called this his proudest acheivement and I'd hate to argue with that.

This movie has a great script, vivid characterizations and wonderful cinematography. Black and white was such a wonderful medium and when well done, evidenced more grit and realism than any technocolor film could impart.

I hate to beg, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE..... let's get this great film out on widescreen DVD!

7/7/09 UPDATE:

Kirk Douglas must be as pleased as I am that this wonderful film has finally gained it's place among the DVD Elite.

The screenplay, the score, the cinematography and yes, the acting all combine to create as compelling and riveting a slice of humanity as was ever presented on the silver screen.

There are a couple of nice extras too; one dealing with the...

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Reno 911!: The Complete Sixth Season

lame replacements
I miss Garcia, Clementine and Kimball. The two new deputies, Declan and Rizzo, are basically just blonde and brunette versions of the same character. Except for the first episode, which got into some very funny background history concerning Trudie and crazy Mike, the entire season felt forced.

Not As Funny As the Earlier Seasons
Although "RENO 911" season 6 provides some good laughs, it's nowhere near as funny or original as Seasons 1 thru 5. I was dissapointed that Deputies Garcia, Johnson, & Kimball were deleted from the cast, and replaced with Rizzo & Declan. The new deputies aren't as funny as the former ones. Garcia & Johnson, I always thought were very funny cast members, & Kimball was hardly given a chance to prove her comic chops, and pretty much denied a story line. Season 6 relies more on "cheap" laughs, & jokes. I have no idea how this aired on Comedy Central, as I never saw any of this season on TV. I don't know how it could have been on, or how you could follow the stories, as the DVD's are "uncensored". Hard to imagine that most of the dialogue was "bleeped" out, and scenes were cut from the program.
I know that seasons 2-5 were highly censored, but the show could be followed easily. I can't say that I really care for the new deputies, I don't think they are that funny, Garcia, Johnson, &...

Plum Smuggler Spectacular
I would say that the show superceded my expectations that i had for this season when i found out Garcia, Clemmy, and Kimball weren't going to be on the show. I never had that many compliments about Kimball anyways. She was probably there to even out the F/M ratio. Sgt Declan and Frank Rizzo (not from Jerky Boys) were good replacements. I'm pretty sure that they both were on the show as appearances. Rizzo for sure, Declan not so sure. If he did than he definitely fits the epitome of a cop, embolisms and all, now that he's got some weight on em. Props for keeping Terry because without whom i wouldn't watch as religiously. Big Mike as well, who is revealed to be an ex Reno Sgt back in the 80's when Dangle actually wore some pant legs. Was a little disappointed that cheap Carl didn't make any episodes (the hamburger in the toaster really does say happy birthday!) and they should of had a little more Andrew. Overall the season rocked and am glad to see that it will probably be on for more...

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WWE: Extreme Rules 2009

WWE Extreme Rules 2009
This was a very newsworthy show from WWE as there had been 5 title changes during the night. I did not, however, think this was a great show. I did like it, but only mildly, because the two matches I was looking foreward too (the IC title match and the Ladder match) were both very good. I did not think it was nearly as good or as well-rounded as Backlash and Judgment Day, but it held its own. Personally, I would not purchase this on dvd, but it is worth a rental. Matches are rated out of 5 stars (*****).

1. United States Title Match
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal

Fast paced match to start, but it was rather short and felt rushed. There were botched spots aplenty in this one, but they pulled out some nice moves as well. Overall this was fine and the guys worked hard, and the match did it's job by getting the crowd pumped up. **

2. No Holds Barred Intercontinental Title Match
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chris...

A "PG" One Night Stand
United States Champion Kofi Kingston vs. M.V.P. vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal - This was your average match that was fast paced & did it's job as an opener with a few botched "crash & burn" spots but nothing special past that.

No Holds Barred Match: Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho - One of the best feuds of the year (if not THE BEST just based on the matches alone) continue here as they stuck the formula that was worked with great wrestling that had the fans get more into it and added the No Holds Barred element well here but didn't overdo it using a mass amount of weapons as only a chair was used. The crowd got more into it as time passed & had a very creative finish that also makes sure this feud will continue...and that's not a bad thing, that's a good thing! (thanks DDP) Match of the night for me.

Strap Match: C.M. Punk vs. Umaga - This is one of those one of those matches where the gimmick hurt the match more than helped and the...

WWE Extreme Rules 2009
Fatal 4 Way United States Title Match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. William Regal 3/5

No Holds Barred Intercontinental Title Match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chris Jericho 4/5

Samoan Strap Match:
Mr. Money In The Bank C.M. Punk vs. Umaga 3/5 (Side note this is Umagas last match before he passed away weeks later.)

ECW Championship Hardcore Triple Threat Match:
Christian (c) vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Jack Swagger 3/5

Hog Pen Match:
"Santina" Marella vs. Vickie Guerrero (w/ Chavo Guerrero) DUD!!!!!

WWE Championship Steel Cage Match:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista 2/5

Submission Match:
John Cena vs. The Big Show 2/5

World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match:
Edge (c) vs. Jeff Hardy 4/5(C.M. Punk cash in his MITB briefcase and won the title in lest than a minute.)

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