Monday, September 30, 2013

These Old Broads

These old broads are terrific!
When you have stars of this caliber, who needs a real plot? They do terrific send ups of themselves and the result is a funny, funny film. The fact that Reynolds and Taylor got together on screen makes the experience even more memorable.

Don't go in expecting Shakespeare ... but sit back and enjoy the inside jokes and the incredible talent of four of the living legends of Hollywood.

More of these "old broads", please
This film is a great chance to see these wonderful actresses(Taylor, Reynolds,MacLane) acting again! It is a farce from the beginning to the end, and you can tell these women let go and really had fun with it! I would love to see all three of these women in another film soon, especially Ms Taylor. They have so much to offer all of us! They really Don't make "STARS" like this anymore. And I for one, find that terribly sad!

Actually, it is a lot of fun
It is interesting to read the rather divergent reviews of this TV movie here. Personally, I loved it, having been a long-time fan of all of the ladies. Not nearly enough of Liz in the film, sure, but Debbie has some great wisecracks and Joan not only looks amazing (hardly surprising she just married someone her son's age), but displays a genuine talent for comedy.

If anything, I was disappointed with Shirley's storyline and the unnecessary "gay son" aspect. Also, aside from the headliners, some key supporting players are sadly lacklustre.

However, it is what it is - sort of an updated "Golden Girls" set in Hollywood rather than Miami.

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