Monday, September 30, 2013

Cracker: The Complete Series

Ignore the Naysayers
This American adaptation of the British series CRACKER has been much, and unfairly, maligned for not being as good as its UK antecedent, but I think closer to the truth is people are upset at it simply not *being* the UK CRACKER, in the sense that it's not a direct parallel. But then, it isn't supposed to be. Nor should it have been. Headwriter/show runner James Sadwith did an excellent job of transposing creator Jimmy McGovern's British series to an American key. The tone is similar but not slavish, and while certain key characters are of course Americanized versions of the originals, other characters in the ensemble are new or composite; this is CRACKER reimagined comprehensively within an American sensibility. (And to emphasize how well the show delivers on its own terms, this was my first exposure to CRACKER; I delved into the UK original -- which is also extraordinary -- long after. Never through that initiation did I feel as if I were being shortchanged, nor was I confused as to...

Cracker Doesn't Disappoint
Almost as riveting as the British version. Some episodes are unique; probably created for an American audience and culture. Definitely worth the price.

Not Quite as good as the original
Robert Pastori is not Robbie Coltrane. Even Mr. Coltrane's guest appearance in on of the latter espisodes would not hvae saved this series. This collection is only for a completest. But if you are making a decision I would buy the BBC series.

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