Saturday, September 28, 2013


Smart screenplay, Superbly entertaining, Great chemistry!
The one thing I regret about this film is that I didn't get the opportunity to see it in a theater. I'm truly puzzled by the negative reviews on Amazon.

This isn't a film to watch while you're doing something else; fixing dinner, checking your emails, etc. The screenplay was brilliant and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I never lost interest, not for one moment. Clive and Julia have terrific chemistry and I loved the dialogue.

This film plays to an intelligent audience and it keeps you on your toes. I've watched so many films where the ending is predictable. There was nothing predictable about "Duplicity". It may have you feeling that you've nailed it, only to turn around and pull the rug out from under your feet.

I'm very selective about the films I actually choose to purchase. When I finished watching this last night, I knew I had to have my own copy and I want one with all of the bells and whistles, including interviews with the Director,...

Love Clive Owen But Not In This Film
I found this film very confusing. I realize it is an elaborate spy vs. spy in a corporate espionage matter. One spy is Julia Roberts and the other is Clive Owen. At first it seems like she is the one with the upper hand as she rolls him after one wild night. Then the scene shifts and he has gotten one over on her. They leap in and out of bed at various points because they are wildly attracted to one another.

It didn't work for me. If sparks were jumping between these two, if love and lust were in the air between them, I couldn't sense it. So there were two things we were supposed to care about: would Julia and Clive get together and, secondly, which of their clients would win in the spy war? More than an hour into this film, I realized I did not care about the resolution of either issue. I stopped watching it, I was that bored.

I am not a huge fan of Julia Roberts although I think she is talented. She just rarely does it for me as a romantic interest...

sexy, suspenseful, funny and smart spy caper
Duplicity is the latest movie written and directed by Tony Gilroy (I loved Michael Clayton). I will tell you only the barest of details because if ever there is a movie you should nothing about it is this one: Julia Roberts and Clive Owen are spies. This film is a sexy, suspenseful, funny and smart spy caper. I loved it throughout, and I loved it even more when it finished. Go watch it now.

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