Sunday, September 29, 2013

Donald in Mathmagic Land

Wonderful movie; very educational and fun at the same time.
When I was little, I watched this movie so many times that, even now, I can talk along with the movie the whole time. This movie focuses on the non-arithmetic aspects of math. My dad, a math professor and Physics PhD, really likes this movie. He shows it on the first day of every class he teaches. This movie really started my love of math. It shows that, in the words of Donald himself, "Mathematics is a lot more than two times two!" This is a great buy at almost any price.

This sticks in your head!
I can still remember seeing this film in class when I was 10 (1983-1984), and that they covered at one point how to use the diamonds on the sides of pool tables to calculate your shots! So many times since I would think back to this movie whenever I played pool, wishing I could remember the exact formula. That's how interesting it made math! It's still in my head 20 years later!

Start the school year off right!
I couldn't start the school year without showing this DVD. I have used my VHS copy for many years and kept thinking that one day the tape would break right in the middle of the viewing. I've been waiting a long time for this to come out in the DVD format. PLUS, the DVD comes with a teacher's guide and some Internet links for further investigation. This is Disney at its best! My VHS copy of this will be retired to my Disney archives.

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